Year 6: F.A.V.S

Last week Year 6 visited London City Mission as part of their R.E and History learning to discover Faith In Action Victorian Style.


We dressed up like Victorians and we saw old buses and we drank tea. In the Victorian times they would sleep on a rope. we went back in time to explore the 1800s. Aness

On Thursday 18th May, Year 6 went to London City Mission to dress up as Victorian children and went back in time. When I was all dressed up, two of the people said I looked and sounded like Oliver Twist, which I was proud of. While we were there, we tried some foods that children around that time would have had for tea, but it had no sugar! David

On Thursday 18th May, Year 6 went to London City Mission to dress up as Victorians, and we learned a lot about how they sleep. Did you know they got hit when they didn’t do their jobs? They had to go up a chimney and clean it bare foot with a brush. We went into a class and the teachers taught us handwriting. We couldn’t learn with the boys in 1800s. Shannon

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