Safeguarding (See policy)

The school has a Designated Person for Safeguarding. All staff have current DBS checks. All people working with children have a duty of care to safeguard children and promote their welfare.

This means that staff must report any concerns which may include:

  • any injuries or marks that cannot be explained
  • unusual behaviour
  • physical punishment that is not reasonable or not appropriate (this includes anything to the face or head or using any object or implement)
  • worrying things said by or about the child

Staff will speak to a Designated Person in school, who will then call the Duty Desk at Children’s Social Care Services for advice and guidance. The Social Worker on Duty may then request a referral is made by the school and inform us of the next steps.

Will parents be informed before children’s social care services are contacted?

Where possible, staff will contact parents, however there may be occasions where we are advised not to by Children’s Social Care Services. This is usually if they think this may cause more harm for the child or put them in danger.

What happens after a referral is made?

Children’s Social Care Services will find out more information from the family, the child and other services. Referrals can sometimes be upsetting for parents and carers, but please remember that if a child is referred to Social Services, staff are not accusing anyone.

Referrals will often be false alarms, but staff must put the needs of children and young people first and not take any risks with their safety or welfare, even if this means upsetting parents or carers.

This duty of care and safeguarding procedure is the same in all schools across the country and is explained to all parents on the enrolment of their child. A copy of our full policy can be found on the policy page of this website. If you would like more information on safeguarding procedures please contact Anna, Jo or Helen or ask to see the Southwark booklet for parents, ‘Protecting children in education settings’.

Here are some leaflets with further information:

NSPCC’s Net Aware provides guidance to parents on social networking sites, apps and games which children use and how to keep their children safe in today’s digital world. It can be accessed via

Here is some addition information about keeping safe online:

Home Internet Controls

Health and Safety (See policy)

We do want all the children to attend school every day, however, if your child is too unwell to attend, please keep him/her at home to stop infections spreading.

If your child becomes ill at school we will contact you straight away to arrange for you to collect him/her.  We have fully qualified first aiders on site.  If your child has an accident at school, and medical treatment is needed we will either walk your child to Guy’s Minor Injuries or telephone for an ambulance to go to St Thomas’ Hospital.  For both of these situations we will ring you and arrange to meet you there.

If any child bumps their head or face during the school day, we will contact you.  This is not to worry you, but to let you be aware in case he or she develops symptoms of concussion later in the day.  The child will also have a sticker to wear.  All accidents are recorded at school.

Children are expected to take part in the full curriculum at school, so if your child is too unwell to take part in physical education, swimming or play time, they must have a doctor’s note.

If your child is on medication you will need to complete a risk assessment and all medicines must be in their original packaging. (see SEND Information Report). Children with asthma are expected to use their inhalers themselves.  This is really good practice for them – please help them learn how to do this at home.  Risk assessment forms must be completed. You can pick one up in the school office.

No dangerous items should be brought into school.  This includes matches, penknives or anything which could harm or cause damage.  Punishment for breaking this rule can be very serious.