Every September our school job center opens. Children in Key Stage 2 classes can apply for the different  roles available that include School Council, STEM Leaders, Creative Arts Leaders and Sports Leaders. They complete an application form and submit it to the Leadership Team. (See below for an example of the application form) Applications are then shortlisted and children are invited for an interview. Children applying for School Council are voted in by their class mates. All successful candidates wear different coloured jumpers and meet regularly with staff.

Application form

School Council

The school council is made up of elected members from each class from Y3 – Y6 and meets once every half term.

Head Boy

Hi, I am the head boy for Tower Bridge School. I will be a good head boy this year because I am approachable, helpful, kind, a good role model, respectful and I will always listen to your needs. I love this school a lot and what I love about it is that all the lessons are fun, we have superb teachers to mentor us throughout primary school and we have golden time as a reward. If you need any help or support, you can always come and speak to me.

Head Girl

Hi, I’ll be your head girl this year. I will be a good head girl because I’m approachable, a great role model and I respect everyone’s opinions. What I love about the school is the great teachers we have teaching us new things and the excellent support we have. I’ll look after the school by looking out for any risks and watching for bullying or anything else that shouldn’t be happening; I will keep everyone and everything in good hands. If you need any advice, suggestions, help or support, you can always come to me. I’m always free to talk to and will try to understand anything you say.

STEM Leaders

At Tower Bridge we have a group of children who help support the delivery and development of STEM subjects within the School. They work hard to improve not only their own subject knowledge but that of other pupils within the school. They are always on hand to support in lessons and at times run lunch clubs for children across the Key Stages. During STEM Leader meetings, the children are given the opportunity to try out new technology and software before it is introduced to the school, and are subsequently consulted as to whether it would fit within our curriculum. We believe it is important to take in and understand the views of the children as it is ultimately them who will gain and benefit the most from what we choose to introduce.

Sports Leaders

This year, 4 Sports Leaders have been elected and will perform a great deal of different roles within the school community.

They will play an important role in promoting healthy lifestyles in the school through the encouragement of those around them to get involved and take part in as many different sporting activities as possible. Alongside this they will help ensure the school has enough, varied sporting equipment and make sure that, outside in the playground, the children are playing fun, fair and safe games.

In addition, they will play an active role in promoting healthy eating within the school. They will lead assemblies on the importance of eating well and will encourage children in the playground and the dining room to make healthy choices, explaining the benefits of these choices to the children and how they will help them, not only in school, but outside school as well.

During the summer term they will help organise Health Week within the school and will play an integral part of organising and running another successful sports day.​

Creative Arts Leaders

This year, Tower Bridge Primary School held interviews for Science Leaders. Many pupils with a passion for the Arts applied for the roles and after interviews were held, four pupils were appointed.  Alongside promoting the Arts amongst their peers, they will help shape how these subjects are taught in our school.  They will attend regular meetings with members of staff and liaise with teachers, giving feedback from pupils about their lessons.  They will also help to plan assemblies and deliver them to the rest of the school.