EYFS at the Sea Life Aquarium
The children in Butterfly and caterpillar classes had a fantastic time at Sea Life Aquarium on the South Bank. It has been a very successful trip and a lot of it was thank you to the people who assisted us with our volunteers and adult ratios so a huge thank you – it made the day run smoothly especially when it got really busy!
We had a great trip and we even had members of the public on the bus and bus stops commenting on the children’s excellent behaviour and their knowledge about the sea animals. We staggered our arrival times and we were really pleased to have a bus driver who understood the needs of the children and waited for us all to be safely seated before driving on. The aquarium staff were very welcoming and all the adults who came with us took excellent care of the children and discussed with them the different animals we saw. This was a very rich experience for all the children. I think everyone coped really well with the heat and we had lots of water and shade break too!