Entries by admin

Scholarpack App

Do you have access to the Scholarpack App?  If not, please contact your school office for an access code.  From 1st April 2022 we will only be using the App to communicate with parents, we will no longer be sending texts.  If you need help to download and access the app, please come and speak […]

Christmas Performances at The Bridges Federation

Due to Covid this year we were unable to perform live. We missed having an audience but I think you will agree all our performances are amazing. We are so proud of all the children. Thank you to all the staff who made this possible. You are able to watch all the performances by clicking […]

Our Federation is Growing

Monday 29th November Dear Parents Our Federation is growing. I am so excited to let you know that Friars Foundation Primary School will be joining The Bridges Federation in January 2022. Friars is a one-form entry school located in SE1 near Blackfriars Road. Senior staff and Governors have been working together this term to ensure […]