Entries by admin

Coronavirus Update – Letters to Parents

Letter to Parents 14.5.20 Letter to Parents 22.5.20 Letter to Parents 29.5.20 Letter to Parents 12.6.20 Letter to Parents  23.6.20 Letter to Parents 7.7.20 Letter to Parents 3.11.20 Letter to Parents 10.12.20 Testing letter for schools from Southwark LA Letter to parents 31.12.20 Letter to Parents 22.1.21 Letter to Parents 5.2.21 Letter to Parents 23.2.21 […]

International Week @thebridgesfederation

Our theme this year was migration. The children did lots of learning about immigrants and refugees. They had discussions about the reasons why people choose to migrate and mapped out different journeys people may have taken to migrate to the United Kingdom. We learned that migration creates a rich and diverse community where different cultures […]

EYFS Graduation

As our youngest children move on to the next stage in their education you can watch the class of 2021 graduate by clicking on the links below. Robert Browning Early Years https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1MvIabysGHYnqtTxphUezd6qr7e7uZ1ecRSfPI3M9PvM/edit?usp=sharing https://drive.google.com/file/d/1JnDTlaQa96WgCmUWFDcz7Lpr7VoFbVKF/view?usp=sharing Snowsfields Early Years https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1aLbEbuG6odaiG7Wlx73DUarE79twI3m2d6MNjHiu0C8/edit?usp=sharing Tower Bridge Early Years https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1_8VMoV4LjACfoX8P79aHKFeoqsTsIoQcj8Qh1XIU5Js/edit?usp=sharing

Goodbye to Year 6

At the end of this year we say goodbye to all our pupils in Year 6. We were not able to invite parents into the school to see their end of year productions or see them graduate. However we hope you enjoy watching the videos they have made. Thank you to all the staff and […]

Lockdown Photo Project

During lockdown 2021 all the children took part in a photo project. They had to send in a photo that represented their time in lockdown as well as one of the following words: Belonging Resilience Independence Determination Gratitude Empathy Selflessness Thank you to everyone who took part. Have a look at some of the fantastic […]

March 8th – All Pupils Return To School

Dear Parents and Carers, We hope you and your families are all well and keeping safe. Last night the Government confirmed that schools will reopen for all pupils on Monday 8th March 2021. So what does that mean for you? School will reopen to all year groups from Nursery to Year 6 on Monday 8th […]


Dear Parents We have now completed our fifth week of lockdown and home learning and I know we are all feeling the strain. Many of you are having to juggle working from home alongside supporting your children to complete all the work that has been set. Dealing with technology issues and new ways of working […]

Delayed start to the new term January 2021

Dear Parents Many of you may have heard the Government announcement yesterday that primary schools, in some areas where the COVID infection rate is extremely high, will not be returning as originally planned on Tuesday 5th January. This applies to all primary schools in Southwark. We received this information at the same time as the general […]

Christmas Shows

Dear Parents This year, due to the current restrictions, you were unable to come into school and watch your children perform in their Christmas Shows. We wanted to make sure that all the children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 didn’t miss out on this annual event, so we have filmed them for you […]