Entries by admin

COVID update

Safe wearing and removal of face coverings Due to the rise in COVID cases across London we are now asking all parents to wear a face covering when you drop off and collect your child from school. If your child is wearing a face covering to and from school please make sure you follow this […]

Returning to School

Welcome back to all our staff, pupils and families. We are excited to have you all back in school and are looking forward to a great year. We understand that some of you may be feeling anxious. Please go to our Home Learning page for some information that can help you support your child.

Black Lives Matter

On the 25th May 2020 we watched in horror as George Floyd was unlawfully murdered in Minneapolis USA. This is not an isolated case and this is not just happening in America. People around the world have taken to the streets in protest and come together to speak out against the racism they have experienced – Black Lives Matter.​ We want to share the […]

Coronavirus update letter 11th May

Dear Parents and Carers, We hope you and your families are all well and keeping safe. The Prime Minister announced in his Covid-19 update last night that schools may be in a position from the 1st June to begin a phased return for the children in years R, 1 and 6. As a school, we […]

Home Learning

We hope you are all staying safe during lockdown and we are missing you all very much. Please go to our home learning page for access to our home learning pages for each year group. You can also find all the Twitter handles too.    

Coronavirus Advice

We are currently following public health advice issued to education settings. They state that the risk to individuals remains low (guidance as of 23.2.2020.) Link to advice: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/coronavirus-covid-19-guidance-for-schools-and-other-educational-settings We have hand sanitiser in all classrooms and are reminding children of good hand washing and nose blowing procedures. If we are concerned that a child is […]

Snowsfields is a School for Success for a second year in a row!

Outstanding achievements of Snowsfields Primary School recognised by the Mayor of London The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has celebrated the outstanding performance of Snowsfields Primary School in Southwark with an awards ceremony. Snowsfields Primary School was honoured for its work to reduce educational inequality and achieve exceptional results for children who were previously behind […]

Consultation – Robert Browning to join The Bridges Federation

For the last 12 months we have been working in partnership with Robert Browning Primary School as part of a soft federation. We are now consulting all staff, parents and children about whether Robert Browning should join us in a hard federation. Please find attached the consultation documents. Federation consultation document 2019 Federation consultation letter 2019 Federation […]