Entries by admin

Splash Project 2017

                                          Last night, the year 5 from the Bridges Federation entertained audiences at the Royal Festival Hall with an outstanding performance. The children have been rehearsing for the past few weeks with the Splash team […]

Y5: Reading Cafe

Our last reading café events were held today in both schools for Year 5 children and parents. Thanks you to all the parents who were able to come and support your children. We had some great comments from you all.   I enjoyed reading with my mum coming in my classroom. I learned that it […]

Y6: The Lion King

After weeks of rehearsals year 6 came together to perform an amazing version of The Lion King. The preparation began with lots of line learning and mass singing rehearsals. The Circle of Life felt particularly relevant as Year 6 complete their journey through the ranks of Tower Bridge. We worked a lot on embodying the […]

Y2: Sunny Southend!

This week, Year 2 took a trip to the seaside at Southend.                   I had so much fun! I liked putting my feet in the water. –Tilly           The seaside was very fun! I loved the beach playground and I liked finding seashells […]

What a talented team!

We are delighted to share with you some exciting news! Last night at the Southwark Excellence Teaching award ceremony, three of our talented staff members were nominated for special awards. Well done to Richard our year 6 teacher at Snowsfields for being nominated for the Teacher of the Year Award. We were really proud of […]

We do love to be beside the seaside!

The year two classes across the federation had an amazing time at the seaside this week! Here are some of lovely recounts the children produced in Orange class.   ‘We got to school at 8:15 and excitedly walked to the coach to meet the children from Tower Bridge school.Then we drove to the beach. When […]

EYFS at the Aquarium!

This week Early Years went on a fantastic adventure by bus to the London Aquarium. We were excited to see the sharks, turtles, penguins, jellyfish, starfish,   seahorses as well as a variety of other sea creatures and plant life. We especially loved walking on glass over the shark tank (but some of us were scared!) […]

Year 4 Reading Cafe

For the last 2 weeks, Year 4 at both Snowsfields and Tower Bridge have hosted their Reading Cafes: “I learned a lot today by coming to the Reading café with my son. I get to read with him in his class. And I enjoy it.” “I liked reading to my mummy, and going through the […]

A Tale Unfolds filming project with Yellow Class

We have been working really hard with a company called ‘A Tale Unfolds’ on a film making project about the negative impact plastic has on the environment and especially on sea life. Our main objective was to create a film to encourage people to stop throwing plastic and all sort of non-recyclable rubbish. We want […]

EYFS at the Sea Life Aquarium

The children in Butterfly and caterpillar classes had a fantastic time at Sea Life Aquarium on the South Bank. It has been a very successful trip and a lot of it was thank you to the people who assisted us with our volunteers and adult ratios so a huge thank you – it made the […]