Entries by admin


We were lucky to have duck eggs come to Reception on Monday the 24th April. We saw them hatch and we gave them food and water to help them grow. We were able to watch them swim and gave them a cuddle.  I will miss them. – Salma J They are fluffy and soft. – […]

Reception: Science Museum Trip

Science Museum 03/05/17 We went to the science museum. We caught the tube there and then were able to play in a garden with lots of great activities. We went to the pattern pod where we were playing with different lights. We also saw lots of different old transport like trains and cars.  

Test Week

Year 6 SATS Dear Parents/ Guardians, The end of Key Stage two tests will take place in the week beginning 8th May 2017. Here is a breakdown of the tests the children will be sitting.    Monday 8th May: Reading Comprehension Test (1 hour) Tuesday 9th May: Grammar and Punctuation Test (45 minutes) Spelling Test (20 […]

Ducklings in EYFS!

Caterpillar and Butterfly classes have absolutely loved having the ducks at school.  They enjoyed watching them hatch and were fascinated with them when they were walking around. The children were gentle with them and quiet when they were sleeping and when we got them out.  They loved watching them paddle in the water and have […]

Count On Us Primary Challenge

On Tuesday 25th April, we were so lucky because we had the opportunity to represent Snowsfields at a math tournament. We were in a team of three competing against other schools doing many math challenges. Our favourite challenge was game 24. In game 24 you have to use all different operations and numbers to make […]

Year 1: Reading Cafe

On Friday morning, Year 1 held a reading café where parents were invited into our class to read with the children. It was a fantastic opportunity to choose a range of books from our book corner and to have fun reading!   The children loved having the parents in their class and were excited about […]

KS2: Maths Challenge

On Tuesday 25th April, we participated in the Count on Us Maths Challenge. We had to do four rounds of different maths challenges. There was a shape round including tangrams and pentominoes, a 24 game tournament and a code breaking challenge. Despite the fact that we didn’t qualify for the semi-finals we still really enjoyed ourselves. We […]

EYFS: Garden School

It has been a busy week in EYFS. We have been lucky enough to watch eggs hatch into ducklings as well as invite our parents and friends and parents from Tower Bridge to join us in our ‘Federation Garden School’.   When we arrived at the garden we made a large circle. We counted how […]

Year 5: River Poetry

Year 5 have been writing poems about the river as part of their Literacy and Geography learning. Here are a few of them… Kyler: The River Slowly moving like a snail Leaping and diving through the land. Animals falling and drowning; the poor river gets the blame but it’s not its fault.   The river […]

Lego WeDo

Year 6 have been working with Lego this week. They made a Milo rover and programmed it to move around on iPads. IMG_1183 IMG_1184