Entries by admin

Year 5 Visit the Science Museum

On 7th November, Year 5 went to visit the Science Museum as part of their Science work about forces. Here is a blog of the trip by Adele and Alma. When we got inside the museum, one of the things we saw was a piece of the moon. The astronaut David Scott was the first one […]

International Week 2016

The last week of half term has been filled with fun because it was international week. Our theme was community and we have been looking at ourselves and what makes us, us. We really enjoyed working together with the Tower Bridge pupils and getting to know them better. The week ended with our spectacular performance […]

How the World REALLY Works: Savings, Investments & Pensions’

Our current year 5 class took part in a brilliant project run by the Guy Fox Project charity – @GuyFoxLondon. This project is all about Money and the ways that you can use it to make More MONEY! The children worked with the talented people from Guy Fox and volunteers from Willis Towers Watson to […]

International Evening 2016

On Wednesday 19th October we welcomed families in our school to share food and enjoy entertainment provided by the choir and drumming groups. This was the third year we have held International Evening, and each year it gets better and better. Thank you to all the parents and children who supported the staff in making […]

Yellow Class Visit the Tate Modern: 2nd November 2016.

Yellow Class was invited to take part in workshops run by artists at the Tate Modern gallery this week, and we had an incredible time. During the morning, we visited some of the gallery’s most famous artworks, such as Henri Matisse’s The Snail and Monet’s Waterlilies. After lunch, we began our workshops. Half of Yellow […]

Important Dates 2016-2017

Wednesday 19th October International Evening Tuesday 1st November School Photos Monday 14th November Pupil Review Meetings with Parents – School closed Tuesday 13th December Christmas Show Key Stage 1 Wednesday 14th December Winter Concert EYFS Wednesday 14th December Class Parties Thursday 15th December Christmas Dinner Monday 6th February Pupil Review Meetings with Parents – School […]

Important Dates 2016-2017

Thursday 20th October International Evening Tuesday 1st November School Photos Monday 14th November Pupil Review Meetings with Parents – School closed Tuesday 13th December Christmas Show Key Stage 1 Wednesday 14th December Winter Concert EYFS Wednesday 14th December Christmas Dinner Thursday 15th December Class Parties Monday 6th February Pupil Review Meetings with Parents – School […]

Our Ducklings

Have a look at our ducklings who were born today, Friday 13th May. One of them has been named Jim after our Premises Officer.