Monday 29th November

Dear Parents

Our Federation is growing. I am so excited to let you know that Friars Foundation Primary School will be joining The Bridges Federation in January 2022. Friars is a one-form entry school located in SE1 near Blackfriars Road.

Senior staff and Governors have been working together this term to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible. We are sure this partnership will bring further exciting opportunities for all our staff and pupils.

You will see some changes in our Leadership Team from January 2022:

Zohra Benotmane, currently Co-Head of School at Snowsfields, will be joining Friars as their Co-Head of School with Jo Wratten who is currently based at Friars.

Maureen Chance will be full time at Snowsfields, joining Jo Cranmer as Co-Head of School there.

Laura Neuveglise and Helen Viggiani will continue at Tower Bridge as Co-Heads of School.

Sarah Manley will continue as Headteacher at Robert Browning, with Emma Flanagan and Anna Mulhern as Deputy Heads.

Many of you will remember when Snowsfields first joined with Tower Bridge in February 2014 and then with Robert Browning in September 2018. All three schools currently in our Federation have continued to thrive and improve.

If you have any questions please speak to any member of the Leadership Team who are on the gate every day or if you would like to speak to me please call the school office and I will call you back as soon as I can.

Kind regards

Kate Wooder

Executive Head

Letter to Parents 14.5.20

Letter to Parents 22.5.20

Letter to Parents 29.5.20

Letter to Parents 12.6.20

Letter to Parents  23.6.20

Letter to Parents 7.7.20

Letter to Parents 3.11.20

Letter to Parents 10.12.20

Testing letter for schools from Southwark LA

Letter to parents 31.12.20

Letter to Parents 22.1.21

Letter to Parents 5.2.21

Letter to Parents 23.2.21

Letter to Parents 5.3.21

Letter to Parents 12.3.21

Letter for parents 2.9.21

Letter to parents 29.11.21

Our theme this year was migration. The children did lots of learning about immigrants and refugees. They had discussions about the reasons why people choose to migrate and mapped out different journeys people may have taken to migrate to the United Kingdom. We learned that migration creates a rich and diverse community where different cultures can be celebrated. Furthermore, each class focussed on an artist who migrated to the UK and crated a piece of art inspired by their work. Finally, the children learned songs which reflected our theme and performed them for parents and carers. We also had a special performance by our year six drummers and our school choir.

Please see our newsletter for lots of photos.

You can watch the videos of the events by clicking on the links below:

Tower Bridge

Whole School Song

Whole School Song




Whole School Song

Whole School Song


Fashion Show

Robert Browning


Robert Browning is now a Good school.

Please follow this link to read more about our recent inspection.

Ofsted Inspection September 2021

As our youngest children move on to the next stage in their education you can watch the class of 2021 graduate by clicking on the links below.

Robert Browning Early Years

Snowsfields Early Years

Tower Bridge Early Years

At the end of this year we say goodbye to all our pupils in Year 6. We were not able to invite parents into the school to see their end of year productions or see them graduate. However we hope you enjoy watching the videos they have made. Thank you to all the staff and pupils in Year 6 for putting these together and we wish them all the best at their new schools in September.

Robert Browning


Tower Bridge

During lockdown 2021 all the children took part in a photo project. They had to send in a photo that represented their time in lockdown as well as one of the following words:








Thank you to everyone who took part. Have a look at some of the fantastic entries above. This banner can also be found on our Home Learning page of this website.


Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope you and your families are all well and keeping safe.

Last night the Government confirmed that schools will reopen for all pupils on Monday 8th March 2021.

So what does that mean for you?

  • School will reopen to all year groups from Nursery to Year 6 on Monday 8th March.
  • All children will be expected to attend. School will be compulsory again and families who don’t attend may face fines.
  • We will be able to offer Breakfast Club and After School Club from Monday 8th March.
  • There will be no school clubs after school.
  • Many of the current protocols will remain; hygiene and hand washing, frequent cleaning.
  • You must drop off your child between 8.45am and 9.00am. This will mean that we can continue to stagger the arrival of all our families.
  • Pick up times will be as they were in the autumn term.
  • All children will be brought to the playground at the end of the day.
  • Only 1 parent is allowed to drop off/collect their child/ren and face masks should be worn
  • Please make sure you are social distancing from other families and that you follow the instructions from school staff to ensure everyone’s safety.
  • Visitors and parents/carers cannot enter the site and/or gather at school gates.
  • Please continue to phone and email us if you need to share information or ask questions. You will not have the usual daily contact with the teaching staff. We will not be sending home letters etc. and minimising any face to face contact. We will call or email you instead (this includes if your child has an accident).
  • All children must wear school uniform.
  • All children can wear PE kits to school on their class PE days.
  • The children will be allowed to bring in a water bottle and their book bags and bring books home again.
  • Whole year group or Phase bubbles will be created as they were last term.
  • Where possible children will sit in rows facing the front.
  • Children don’t have to social distance in their bubbles
  • Staff will maintain social distancing.
  • Staff will continue to take lateral flow Covid tests twice weekly.
  • We will be following our normal school timetable and curriculum.
  • Lunchtimes will be staggered so only one bubble is in the hall at a time. Tables and benches will then be cleaned before the next bubble enters.
  • Playtimes will be staggered and classes will be allocated an area of the playground to use.
  • We will plan interventions to help children catch up on the learning they have missed this year.
  • If you have been loaned a school Chromebook or router we will expect these to be returned on Monday 8th March. Any damages or lost items must be paid for. Please refer to your loan agreement for further information.
  • Please return any other school resources on Monday 8th March.

Please call your child’s school if you have any questions. We are here to help.

Responding to a suspected case of Coronavirus

Please do not send your child to school if they are unwell. If they have a high temperature, loss of smell or taste or a new, continuous, dry cough, please let us know and book your child to be tested immediately. There are a list of other symptoms available on the NHS and Government website.

Anyone displaying Coronavirus symptoms in school will be sent home immediately and will need to follow the Government guidelines for self isolation.

  • Child with symptoms will be sent home and must arrange a test
  • Siblings will be sent home
  • Other children in that group can continue to come to school until the test results are back
  • If the test is positive, the symptomatic child must self- isolate for 10 days, siblings for 10 days and the same group children and staff for 10 days. We will also notify Public Health England in Southwark for further guidance
  • If negative, the child can return when better
  • If parents refuse to test their child, we will notify Public Health England in Southwark who will follow this up with the family, GP and complete a risk assessment. They will advise the school on our next steps.

Thank you all again for your continued support. I am sure you will also want to join me in thanking all the staff across our Federation who have continued to work throughout this pandemic and put the needs of our children and families first.

Kind regards,

Kate Wooder Executive Headteacher

Dear Parents

We have now completed our fifth week of lockdown and home learning and I know we are all feeling the strain.

Many of you are having to juggle working from home alongside supporting your children to complete all the work that has been set. Dealing with technology issues and new ways of working has been a challenge to us all.

I just want to say well done to you all. We think you are all doing a fantastic job.

We know that times are really tough at the moment, but what is most important is to stay safe and care for each other. Looking after everyone’s mental health is vital. We are only a phone call away if you need to talk.

It has been lovely to hear how much you have all appreciated the phone calls from staff each week and how much the children are loving the live story times and Google Meet sessions. Just to see all the children’s faces brightens up our day.

Thanks to the teachers and other staff in school, your children have access to a great provision, whether they are in school or at home.  We are happy that you continue to do what you can and don’t put any unnecessary pressure on yourselves or your children. Give them time to read, watch TV, go for a walk or do the other things they love to do. Just do the best you can.

We will get through this and look forward to when we can all return to school.

If you are a Key Worker, THANK YOU from all of us for the work you are doing.

Dear Parents

Many of you may have heard the Government announcement yesterday that primary schools, in some areas where the COVID infection rate is extremely high, will not be returning as originally planned on Tuesday 5th January. This applies to all primary schools in Southwark.

We received this information at the same time as the general public, with no prior warning. Today we had an emergency Senior Leadership meeting to ensure we are fully prepared and to be able to share with you as quickly as possible the new plans for the start of the coming term.

Snowsfields, Tower Bridge and Robert Browning will now only be allowed to provide on site education to the children of key workers and vulnerable children.

Children of Key workers – If you are a Key worker and would like your child to attend school from Tuesday 5th January please contact us as soon as possible to confirm their place. You can email . This email is for all 3 schools. Alternatively you can call the school office on Monday 4th January. Breakfast Club and After School Club will be available in all 3 schools for children of key workers only.

Vulnerable children – we will be contacting these families on Monday 4th January and these children will be able to return to school on Tuesday 5th January.

If your circumstances have changed and you believe that your child is entitled to attend because they are in either of the 2 groups allowed to return (children of Key Workers or vulnerable children), then please contact us.

Please do not just turn up to school on Tuesday 5th January if you have not spoken to a member of staff.

For all those children not able to return to school next week we will be providing remote learning through Google Classroom for children in Y1-6 and Google Sites for children in Early Years. Links to these sites can be found on the Home Learning page of our Federation website or on previous newsletters. If your child has forgotten their log in details or you have any questions please contact the school office.

Every morning there will be a video on Twitter introducing the learning for the day. Please encourage your child to log on every day and complete the work that is set. If your child no longer has access to a device to enable them to complete their learning online, please contact the school as soon as possible.

Monday 4th January remains an INSET day and remote learning will commence on Tuesday 5th January.

The Government will be reviewing the guidelines every two weeks. We are not sure how long this will last but are hoping to have all children back by Monday 18th January.

I will be in touch again as soon as we get any further information.

Kind regards,

Kate Wooder

Executive Headteacher