Dear Parents

This year, due to the current restrictions, you were unable to come into school and watch your children perform in their Christmas Shows. We wanted to make sure that all the children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 didn’t miss out on this annual event, so we have filmed them for you to watch at home. Even without the singing I am sure you will agree they are all fantastic! A huge thank you to all the staff for making it possible.

Here are the links to all the Christmas Shows. They will be available until the week beginning 4th January.


Snowsfields KS1 – Twas the Night Before Christmas

Tower Bridge KS1 – Dasher

Robert Browning KS1 – The Jolly Christmas Postman

The Bridges Federation Early Years – The Nutcracker


Safe wearing and removal of face coverings

Due to the rise in COVID cases across London we are now asking all parents to wear a face covering when you drop off and collect your child from school.

If your child is wearing a face covering to and from school please make sure you follow this guidance:

Safe wearing of face coverings requires cleaning of hands before and after touching – including to remove or put them on – and the safe storage of them in individual, sealable plastic bags between use. Where a face covering becomes damp, it should not be worn and the face covering should be replaced carefully.

Pupils must not to touch the front of their face covering during use or when removing it and they must dispose of temporary face coverings in a ‘black bag’ waste bin (not recycling bin) or place reusable face coverings in a plastic bag they can take home with them, and then wash their hands again before heading to their classroom.


Drop off and pick up reminders

You must drop off your child between 8.45am and 9.15am. This will mean that we can continue to stagger the arrival of all our families. You must collect your child at the end of the day between 3pm and 3.30pm. Please do not be late.

Only 1 parent is allowed to drop off/collect their child/ren. Please make sure you are social distancing from other families. Once you have dropped off or collected your child please move away from the school gates.


Covid-19 related pupil absence

 What do I do if……… What ACTION is needed? When can I RETURN to school?
My child is ill with symptoms not linked to Covid-19: Sore throat, runny nose, headache, tummy ache, chicken pox, tonsillitis, sickness, diarrhoea Follow the usual School Absence Policy When the child is feeling better or 48 hours if the illness is sickness/diarrhoea
My child has possible Covid-related symptoms:

·          HIGH TEMPERATURE – this means feeling hot to the touch on the chest or back

·          A NEW CONTINUOUS COUGH – this means coughing for more than an hour, or having 3 or more episodes in 24 hours

·          A LOSS OR CHANGE TO SENSE OF SMELL OR TASTE – this means being unable to taste or smell as usual


Contact school to inform us

Self-isolate the whole household for 10 days

Get a test for your child showing symptoms


…the test result is negative
My child tests positive for Covid-19 DO NOT COME TO SCHOOL


Agree a date for earliest possible return – minimum of 10 days

Bubble isolates and school provides remote learning

When they feel better (but must remain at home for 10 days)

They can return after 10 days even if the cough and loss of taste/smell remains. This can last for weeks

My child tests negative for Covid-19 INFORM SCHOOL IMMEDIATELY ABOUT THE RESULT

Discuss when your child can come back to school

…same day/next day
Someone in my house is ill with possible Covid-19 symptoms DO NOT COME TO SCHOOL

Contact school to inform us

Self-isolate the whole household for 10 days OR until the test comes back negative

Household member with symptoms to get tested


…the test result is negative
Someone in my house tests positive for Covid-19 DO NOT COME TO SCHOOL


Agree a date for earliest possible return – minimum of 10 days

…the child has completed 10 days of isolation and hasn’t developed symptoms of Covid-19
NHS Test & Trace has identified my child as being in close contact of someone with symptoms confirmed as Covid-19 DO NOT COME TO SCHOOL

Contact school to inform us

Agree a date for earliest possible return – minimum of 10 days

…the child has completed 10 days of isolation
We/my child has travelled and needs to self-isolate as a period of quarantine



Do not take unauthorised leave in term-time

Consider quarantine requirements and FCO advice when booking travel

Return from a destination when quarantine is needed

Agree an earliest possible date for return – minimum of 10 days

Self-isolate the whole household

…the quarantine period of 10 days has been completed
We have received medical advice that my child must resume shielding DO NOT COME TO SCHOOL

Contact school to inform us

Shield until you are informed that restrictions are lifting and shielding is paused again

Send in communication stating that child must shield.

…evidence shown that restrictions have been lifted and your child can return
My child’s bubble is closed due to a Covid-19 outbreak at school DO NOT COME TO SCHOOL

Your child will need to isolate for 10 days

…school inform you that the bubble will be reopened
When will specific home learning NOT be provided for my child?
– If a household is self-isolating due to a positive test result

– If a child is showing signs of COVID and is waiting for a test

– If a child is quarantining

If your child is at home for any of these reasons you can find resources on Google Classrooms for Key Stage 2 and on Google Class Sites for Early Years and Key Stage 1 to help support their learning: Homework project sheet, Topic Web, Knowledge Organiser

Your child also has access to the online learning platforms: Mathletics, Reading Eggs, Readiwriter and Purple Mash

When will home learning be provided for my child?
– If a class bubble is shut due to a confirmed case

– If a local lock down is announced

Children will need to log in daily to their Google Classroom or Google Site to access the learning set by the teachers.

Daily video introducing the learning (also posted on Twitter)

Daily learning added (English, Maths, Other) including tasks on Mathletics, Reading Eggs, Readiwriter and Purple Mash. Feedback will be given

Welcome back to all our staff, pupils and families. We are excited to have you all back in school and are looking forward to a great year. We understand that some of you may be feeling anxious. Please go to our Home Learning page for some information that can help you support your child.

On the 25th May 2020 we watched in horror as George Floyd was unlawfully murdered in Minneapolis USA. This is not an isolated case and this is not just happening in America. People around the world have taken to the streets in protest and come together to speak out against the racism they have experienced – Black Lives Matter.​

We want to share the following points made by Shola Richards, an American author:

Having white privilege doesn’t mean that your life isn’t difficult, it simply means that your skin colour isn’t one of the things contributing to your life difficulties.

Responding to “Black Lives Matter” by saying “All Lives Matter” is insensitive.

All lives can’t matter until black lives matter.

Racism is very real; it isn’t just limited to the extremes.

In order for racism to get better, it’s important we all use our voices and speak up when we see racism.”

The Bridges Federation stands united in our commitment to tackle and challenge racism, injustice and inequality. To say nothing is not good enough, to do nothing is not good enough. Now is the time for careful reflection about what we think, what we say and what we teach, a time to ensure that our curriculum reflects the diversity of our school community, reflects the truth and encourages us to question and challenge. We need to listen more and live up to the values we promote across our federation; respect, empowering everyone, celebrating diversity.

Dear Parents and Carers,

We hope you and your families are all well and keeping safe.

The Prime Minister announced in his Covid-19 update last night that schools may be in a position from the 1st June to begin a phased return for the children in years R, 1 and 6. As a school, we find out this information at the same time as yourselves and we now await further guidance from the Government/Department for Education on this proposal and what it might look like in practice.

At the moment, our school provision remains the same. We continue to remain open for key worker and vulnerable children only. The message is still that it is safer to stay at home where possible.

We understand that you probably have lots of questions that need clarification, as do we and we will do our best to provide answers as soon as we are able. Please be assured we will not reopen until we are fully prepared and it is safe to do so. We will continue to follow the Government’s guidance and are working with the Local Authority to ensure any return to school is done as safely as possible.

We are missing you all and we are looking forward to having you all back in school, but for now our priority is to keep all of our pupils, staff and families safe and to do what we can to help prevent a second peak of the virus.

We will continue to keep you updated as soon as we receive further guidance.

Please continue to access all the home learning our teachers are providing. I am really enjoying reading your tweets and looking at the work you have all been doing.

If you are experiencing any difficulties please contact us on 0207 525 9065

Kind regards
Kate Wooder
Executive Headteacher

We hope you are all staying safe during lockdown and we are missing you all very much.

Please go to our home learning page for access to our home learning pages for each year group.

You can also find all the Twitter handles too.



We are currently following public health advice issued to education settings. They state that the risk to individuals remains low (guidance as of 23.2.2020.) Link to advice:

We have hand sanitiser in all classrooms and are reminding children of good hand washing and nose blowing procedures. If we are concerned that a child is unwell in school, we would follow our standard procedure of getting them seen by a first aider and then calling the parent to collect them and advising a GP visit if necessary.

We will continue to monitor the situation and keep parents informed through our weekly newsletter.

Any concerns please contact the school.


IMG_0116 from The Bridges Federation on Vimeo.

Outstanding achievements of Snowsfields Primary School recognised by the Mayor of London

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has celebrated the outstanding performance of Snowsfields Primary School in Southwark with an awards ceremony.

Snowsfields Primary School was honoured for its work to reduce educational inequality and achieve exceptional results for children who were previously behind in their studies, at a Schools for Success awards ceremony.

The Schools for Success programme was created by the Mayor in 2017 to improve the support given to children from disadvantaged backgrounds. The programme recognises primary and secondary schools that ensure strong progress for their lowest attaining pupils, has a strong overall performance and shares their work with other schools.

The ceremony was hosted on Friday September 27th by Deputy Mayor for Education and Childcare Joanne McCartney.

The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said: “I’d like to congratulate the staff of Snowsfields Primary School for their excellent work. Schools for Success was created to celebrate the difference that teachers, teaching assistants, support staff and governors are making every day to support children and reduce inequalities, and this school’s inclusive and supportive learning environment is a great example of this. London has the best schools and teachers in the country, and by working together we can make sure that no young Londoner is left behind.”