Dear Parents and Carers,
We hope you and your families are all well and keeping safe.
The Prime Minister announced in his Covid-19 update last night that schools may be in a position from the 1st June to begin a phased return for the children in years R, 1 and 6. As a school, we find out this information at the same time as yourselves and we now await further guidance from the Government/Department for Education on this proposal and what it might look like in practice.
At the moment, our school provision remains the same. We continue to remain open for key worker and vulnerable children only. The message is still that it is safer to stay at home where possible.
We understand that you probably have lots of questions that need clarification, as do we and we will do our best to provide answers as soon as we are able. Please be assured we will not reopen until we are fully prepared and it is safe to do so. We will continue to follow the Government’s guidance and are working with the Local Authority to ensure any return to school is done as safely as possible.
We are missing you all and we are looking forward to having you all back in school, but for now our priority is to keep all of our pupils, staff and families safe and to do what we can to help prevent a second peak of the virus.
We will continue to keep you updated as soon as we receive further guidance.
Please continue to access all the home learning our teachers are providing. I am really enjoying reading your tweets and looking at the work you have all been doing.
If you are experiencing any difficulties please contact us on 0207 525 9065
Kind regards
Kate Wooder
Executive Headteacher