Old school magic meets the modern world in the epic adventure THE KID WHO WOULD BE KING. Alex (Ashbourne Serkis) thinks he’s just another nobody, until he stumbles upon the mythical Sword in the Stone, Excalibur. Now, he must unite his friends and enemies into a band of knights and, together with the legendary wizard Merlin (Stewart), take on the wicked enchantress Morgana (Ferguson). With the future at stake, Alex must become the great leader he never dreamed he could be.
The cast were joined by children from both Snowsfields Primary School & Tower Bridge Primary School, dressed as mini-knights of old in special armour featured in the film. One noble child was even lucky enough to be knighted by Sir Patrick Stewart!
Emma Flanagan, Assistant Head Teacher of Tower Bridge Primary School commented ‘It’s such a lovely opportunity for the children to be here, especially as it’s only a stone’s throw away from our schools. It’s really special for us to feel part of the film!’
On November 29th Team London Bridge hosted the annual London Bridge Christmas Carols and Lantern Parade, marking the start of Christmas in the area.

To commemorate 100 years since the end of World War One, every pupil in the school made a poppy to display around our portraits of Walter Tull and Albert McKenzie.
They learned more about the heroic efforts of these young men and how they were among the hundreds of thousands who lost their lives at a young age.
The children were told of why we now wear poppies as a sign of remembrance.
On Friday 9th November, Purple Class performed an assembly to the school and their parents. Based on their historical learning about World War Two, it evoked many emotions in all of us.
The exceptional performance of Snowsfields and Tower Bridge Primary Schools has been honoured by the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan.
The schools were invited to the Schools for Success awards ceremony at City Hall on Friday 5th October, to celebrate their achievements in supporting pupils needing extra help to fulfil their potential.
More than 100 eligible schools are invited to join the programme and every local authority in the capital now has a school it can look to as an example. This group, refreshed annually, represents approximately six per cent of the capital’s schools.
The ceremony was hosted by Deputy Mayor for Education and Childcare Joanne McCartney. Snowsfields and Tower Bridge have been recognised by the Schools for Success programme, because DFE data from 2017 shows our schools made fantastic progress with students that started behind their peers.
The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, said: “I’d like to congratulate The Bridges Federation for the fantastic work of their staff and pupils in the last year. Our Schools for Success programme shows the significant difference that a supportive and inclusive teaching environment can make for all pupils. London has some of the best schools in the country in the capital and by working together we can make sure that every young Londoner is given the opportunity to reach their full potential.”
Well done to all the staff, pupils and parents for helping the schools make so much progress and be so successful.
On Thursday 4th October we were visited by an assessor from NACE (National Association for Able Children in Education).
She met with parents, pupils, staff and Governors and observed lessons.
We are pleased to announce that from all the evidence she saw, she awarded the school with the NACE Challenge Award. We are now the 400 schools in the country to receive this award, and it is great recognition of all the hard work that is put into every lesson, everyday by all the staff and pupils.
On Friday 28th September we celebrated Disability Awareness Day.
We thought about our similarities rather than differences.
We studied famous people with disabilities and learnt about their achievements and how they overcame their individual difficulties. Look out for some of the people we studied in the new photos around school.
It was a very inspirational day for all of us.
“It’s incredible how Stevie Wonder performs. He’s worked really hard. It’s inspiring!” Rachel Year 4
“On Disability Awareness Day, we learned about a very inspiring woman name Freda Kahlo. She suffered from polio at the age of 6 and at 18 she was in a tram crash, which left her bed ridden for a year. While in hospital, she started to paint her cast . Freda is a well known artist . We are similar because we all love art.” Blue Class Y5
“We learned about Stephen Hawking. He couldn’t speak but he never gave up. Stephen Hawking learnt about space and the black hole even though he couldn’t speak.” Orange Class Y2
On Wednesday 19th September, Purple Class and Green Class took part in a Southwark cross country event with lots of different schools. We were so proud of their resilience and determination! Tower Bridge came 4th in the Year 6 competition and 3rd in the Year 4 competition.
Special mentions to Rubie who came 4th overall, Kajus who came 7th and Nathalia who came 8th in their races.
About us
The Bridges Federation is made up of three schools: Snowsfields, Tower Bridge and Robert Browning. The Federation was formed in February 2014 and became a permanent partnership in September 2015. The three schools work closely together to ensure we provide the same high quality education for all our children, however all three schools have their own identity and feel.
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The Bridges Federation
London, SE1 3TD
0207 525 9065
Tower Bridge Primary School, Fair Street
London, SE1 2AE
020 7407 2959
Robert Browning Primary School, King and Queen Street, Walworth
London, SE17 1DQ
020 7708 3456