To: Parents and carers in Southwark
Dear Parent/Carer,
You may be aware from the media that the UK is seeing a high number of Group A Streptococcus cases this year.

Please click on the link below to read the letter from Public Health.

20221206_Strep A Information for Parents



27th November 2022

Dear Parents and Carers

It is with great sadness that I write to inform you of the tragic death of one of our Year 1 pupils, after school on Friday, near to where he lives.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family of this wonderful little boy at this extremely difficult time.  He will be greatly missed by everyone and will always be in the hearts of the Snowsfields family.

We are currently working with the Local Authority and our Educational Psychologist to access some support for children, staff and families.

When someone dies, young people may experience many different feelings, such as sadness or anger. Some pupils may feel shocked and upset by the news, while others may be confused or numb. These reactions are all normal.

We will be talking to the pupils on Monday and will try to answer their questions in school, using age-appropriate and honest language. For more information about speaking to children and young people about death, visit the Child Bereavement UK website

Please speak to anyone on the Leadership Team if you need any support.

We will be in touch again when we have any further information.

Kind regards

Kate Wooder

Executive Head