British Values Statement

The Department for Education states that there is a need:

“To create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs”.

The Department for Education defines British Values as follows:

  • Respect for democracy and support or participation in the democratic process
  • Respect for the basis on which the law is made and applies in England
  • Support for equality of opportunity for all
  • Support and respect for the liberties of all within the law
  • Respect for and tolerance of different faiths and religious and other beliefs

Our school reflects British values in all that we do.

SMSC and British values are embedded in our curriculum, as well as through our vision and ethos, and opportunities are given throughout the week for children to explore, question and discuss. School staff promote independence and actively encourage pupils to make good choices and look at how these choices influence and affect others. As a result pupils are tolerant and have a strong sense of justice and fairness. Children are well prepared for future life in modern Britain.

We actively promote British values in the following ways:

Respect for democracy and support or participation in the democratic process

  • We have a school council. These children apply for their role and then are elected by their classes as true representatives for them. They need to be positive role models. They take part in a range of projects throughout the year, for example making improvements to the playground and representing the school to visitors. School council members meet regularly to discuss issues raised by their peers, acting as the children’s voice
  • Children take part in ‘mock’ elections, for example by voting in the general election or for the London Mayoral Candidate.
  • At the start of each academic year the children discuss and agree upon a set of class rules.
  • Twice a year children complete a questionnaire in which they are asked to suggest ways to improve the school.
  • During our P4C sessions children from Nursery to Year 6 are taught the importance of democracy by being part of a community of inquiry and voting for the question they would like to explore.
  • Our creative curriculum offers the children the opportunity to learn about democracy. By studying this concept as part of the ‘Ancient Greeks’ topic, the introduction of the Magna Carta, the British Electoral system, visiting the Houses of Parliament and attending assemblies led by our Local MP, the children develop a secure understanding of the benefits and advantages of living in a democratic state.
  • The KS2 children take part every year in the project ‘Light, Camera, Parliament’. This year children were asked to devise a law that would benefit our local community. The outstanding proposals that the children put forward showed the children’s passion and engagement in politics.

Respect for the basis on which the law is made and applies in England

  • Reinforcing and promoting the importance of rules and laws is embedded within our School vision and ethos. Through our assemblies children are taught the significance, aims and reasons behind laws. By following the behaviour policy the children understand that rules and laws are put in place to govern and protect; they are also taught the responsibilities they have as members of our school community in upholding our school rules and the consequences they have to face if these are broken. A message that is echoed by the special assemblies and visits we receive from the Police authorities and Fire Service.
  • Children are expected to follow the school rules. These are reinforced throughout the school. They are displayed in every classroom. We have a clear system of rewards and sanctions. Children are expected to reflect on their behaviour and say what they could have done differently.
  • Through the curriculum children learn about ‘People who help us’, this includes the Police. Children learn about how, as a society, we should follow the law and that there are consequences if we do not. Other topics, such as ‘Trade and Travel’ and ‘Saving Planet Earth’ allow opportunities for children to discuss and learn about the law alongside moral and ethical issues.
  • We have links with our local community police officers. They often visit the school and talk with the children about a range of topical themes.
  • Our programme of assemblies includes opportunities to respond to current affairs. This may include reference to the law. We also study a range of stories that include moral issues.
  • Philosophy for children sessions provide further opportunities for children to discuss and debate what is ‘right’, and why people should behave in a particular way.
  • Links with external organisations such as ‘The Jimmy Mizen Foundation’, ‘NSPCC’ and ‘Kidscape’ allow us to provide workshops and assemblies where children hear from different speakers about aspects of the law and how they can be involved. For example children contributed to a peace cloth, following a visit from Margaret Mizen, which focused on knife crime.

Support for equality of opportunity for all

  • As an inclusive federation all children are valued and supported.
  • We celebrate events such as Autism Awareness Day, children learn more about Autistic Spectrum Condition and how we can support those with a diagnosis of ASC.
  • During October (Black History Month) we celebrate differences and learn about the lives of others.
  • Any incidents of racial or homophobic language are not tolerated. They are challenged and reported. Staff have had training in dealing with such incidents, for example from the charity ‘Metro’, on LGBT inclusion in schools.
  • As part of our curriculum aspects of equality are included. This includes learning about refugees. Other studies through our history curriculum such as ‘The Vikings’ and ‘The Romans’ look at how communities were treated in the past.
  • Books, stories and resources are chosen carefully by staff so that they do not show any bias. They reflect the make-up of our schools and show positive role models.

Support and respect for the liberties of all within the law

  • Children have opportunities to contribute to their learning through sharing their ideas with teachers during planning sessions.
  • Our Homework allows children to develop their own projects each half term at home with their parents. They then share these at the end of the term. This allows all children a choice in their learning and a chance to develop their own interests.
  • Children are given many opportunities to make choices throughout the school. For example they choose their own rewards, they choose what they would like for lunch from a selection, they have opportunities to wear their own clothes and they can choose from our extensive after school provision.
  • We seek to develop children’s talents, for example Key Stage 2 have an annual talent show. Each class holds their own auditions and selects acts to go through to the final. These then perform in front of the whole school and different acts are celebrated.
  • Children have the freedom to choose from a wide range of extra-curricular clubs giving them the opportunity to develop their talents.

Respect for and tolerance of different faiths and religious and other beliefs

  • As a multi-faith school we learn about religion through the Agreed Religious Education Syllabus. The children take part in a range of events including Eid parties and Christmas productions. These represent the make up of the school.
  • Through our assemblies the children hear a range of stories from different faiths and have opportunities to reflect on them.
  • Our Creative Curriculum, including our annual International week, includes opportunities for children to explore art, story and song from different cultures. This helps children to respect and tolerate different beliefs. Other topics allow children the opportunity to learn about different faiths and religions.
  • The programme of parent workshops has included themes such as FGM and PREVENT. This helps to raise awareness of these issues with all the parents in our community.