Scholarpack App

Do you have access to the Scholarpack App?  If not, please contact your school office for an access code.  From 1st April 2022 we will only be using the App to communicate with parents, we will no longer be sending texts.  If you need help…

Christmas Performances at The Bridges Federation

Due to Covid this year we were unable to perform live. We missed having an audience but I think you will agree all our performances are amazing. We are so proud of all the children. Thank you to all the staff who made this possible. You are…

Our Federation is Growing

Monday 29th November Dear Parents Our Federation is growing. I am so excited to let you know that Friars Foundation Primary School will be joining The Bridges Federation in January 2022. Friars is a one-form entry school located in SE1…

Coronavirus Update – Letters to Parents

Letter to Parents 14.5.20 Letter to Parents 22.5.20 Letter to Parents 29.5.20 Letter to Parents 12.6.20 Letter to Parents  23.6.20 Letter to Parents 7.7.20 Letter to Parents 3.11.20 Letter to Parents 10.12.20 Testing…

International Week @thebridgesfederation

Our theme this year was migration. The children did lots of learning about immigrants and refugees. They had discussions about the reasons why people choose to migrate and mapped out different journeys people may have taken to migrate…

Robert Browning Ofsted Inspection

Robert Browning is now a Good school. Please follow this link to read more about our recent inspection. Ofsted Inspection September 2021

EYFS Graduation

As our youngest children move on to the next stage in their education you can watch the class of 2021 graduate by clicking on the links below. Robert Browning Early Years Snowsfields…

Goodbye to Year 6

At the end of this year we say goodbye to all our pupils in Year 6. We were not able to invite parents into the school to see their end of year productions or see them graduate. However we hope you enjoy watching the videos they have made. Thank…

Lockdown Photo Project

During lockdown 2021 all the children took part in a photo project. They had to send in a photo that represented their time in lockdown as well as one of the following words: Belonging Resilience Independence Determination Gratitude Empathy Selflessness Thank…

March 8th – All Pupils Return To School

Dear Parents and Carers, We hope you and your families are all well and keeping safe. Last night the Government confirmed that schools will reopen for all pupils on Monday 8th March 2021. So what does that mean for you? School…


Dear Parents We have now completed our fifth week of lockdown and home learning and I know we are all feeling the strain. Many of you are having to juggle working from home alongside supporting your children to complete all the work that…

Delayed start to the new term January 2021

Dear Parents Many of you may have heard the Government announcement yesterday that primary schools, in some areas where the COVID infection rate is extremely high, will not be returning as originally planned on Tuesday 5th January. This applies…

Christmas Shows

Dear Parents This year, due to the current restrictions, you were unable to come into school and watch your children perform in their Christmas Shows. We wanted to make sure that all the children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 didn't miss…

COVID update

Safe wearing and removal of face coverings Due to the rise in COVID cases across London we are now asking all parents to wear a face covering when you drop off and collect your child from school. If your child is wearing a face covering…

On Wednesday 9th November, many of our Blue class pupils accompanied by their  parents and carers attended the launch party for the Guy Fox 7th book  ‘Saving, Investments and Pensions’. Here is what Martina and Emily had to say about the special evening. ‘We had an amazing time on the 9th floor of City Hall. […]

Last week Blue class put together an assembly all about Vikings. We told the story of the legend of Beowulf and Grendel by adding a modern twist and making it look  like a computer game. We were really grateful that so many people enjoyed it as we had so much fun putting it together and […]

On 11th November Year 5 and 6 from Snowsfields and Tower Bridge School walked to the War Memorial in Guy’s Hospital to take part in the Remembrance Ceremony. Earlier in the morning the Head Boy and Head Girl from each school led an assembly for Keystage Two to discuss the significance of Remembrance Day.

Thank you to all the parents to came to the Nursery Stay and Learn session on 9th November. We hope you all enjoyed making your puppets!

On 8th November, Year 2 visited the Transport Museum as part of their topic work. They followed the museum trail, drove tube trains and buses!

On 7th November, Year 5 went to visit the Science Museum as part of their Science work about forces. Here is a blog of the trip by Adele and Alma. When we got inside the museum, one of the things we saw was a piece of the moon. The astronaut David Scott was the first one […]

The last week of half term has been filled with fun because it was international week. Our theme was community and we have been looking at ourselves and what makes us, us. We really enjoyed working together with the Tower Bridge pupils and getting to know them better. The week ended with our spectacular performance […]

Our current year 5 class took part in a brilliant project run by the Guy Fox Project charity – @GuyFoxLondon. This project is all about Money and the ways that you can use it to make More MONEY! The children worked with the talented people from Guy Fox and volunteers from Willis Towers Watson to […]

On Wednesday 19th October we welcomed families in our school to share food and enjoy entertainment provided by the choir and drumming groups. This was the third year we have held International Evening, and each year it gets better and better. Thank you to all the parents and children who supported the staff in making […]

Yellow Class was invited to take part in workshops run by artists at the Tate Modern gallery this week, and we had an incredible time. During the morning, we visited some of the gallery’s most famous artworks, such as Henri Matisse’s The Snail and Monet’s Waterlilies. After lunch, we began our workshops. Half of Yellow […]

Wednesday 19th October International Evening Tuesday 1st November School Photos Monday 14th November Pupil Review Meetings with Parents – School closed Tuesday 13th December Christmas Show Key Stage 1 Wednesday 14th December Winter Concert EYFS Wednesday 14th December Class Parties Thursday 15th December Christmas Dinner Monday 6th February Pupil Review Meetings with Parents – School […]

Thursday 20th October International Evening Tuesday 1st November School Photos Monday 14th November Pupil Review Meetings with Parents – School closed Tuesday 13th December Christmas Show Key Stage 1 Wednesday 14th December Winter Concert EYFS Wednesday 14th December Christmas Dinner Thursday 15th December Class Parties Monday 6th February Pupil Review Meetings with Parents – School […]

Have a look at our ducklings who were born today, Friday 13th May. One of them has been named Jim after our Premises Officer.

Meet the newest and youngest members of our school – hatched on Friday 13th May.