Entries by admin

Year 5: Science Museum

On Monday 27th March Year 5 went to the Science Museum. We saw the Legend of Apollo and it was about three astronauts landing on the moon which was a 3D simulator. It was my favourite. “A Beautiful Planet” is a 3D movie in the Imax theatre and was about astronauts living in the International […]

Year 6: Stride Project

For the second year, Year 6 at both Tower Bridge and Snowsfields Primary School have taken part in a project called Stride. The aim of the scheme is to develop pupils’ problem solving, confidence, teamwork and leadership skills. Each year 6 class works in groups to create their own company and develop stalls for the […]

Nursery: Enterprise Week

Tesco Trip We walked to Tesco to buy some foods to bring back for the class to taste and share. We looked at the different prices of the foods and we helped scan the items at the checkout and pay. On the way there we saw Tower Bridge, HMS Belfast, and other boats in the […]

Year 5: The Business of Learning

    Children across the federation have been out in the community to learn about jobs people do as part of Enterprise Week. We have even had some visit us. Here are some of the experiences we have enjoyed. News UK On Monday, Year 5 went to a building called News UK where The Times, The Sun […]

Glow In The Dark Science Workshop

Members of King’s College came to work with Year 1 to Year 6 to investigate light. On Monday, the whole school got a once-in-a lifetime opportunity to discover the world of “Glow In The Dark” science. During the science workshop, brain scientists explained to us that jelly-fish have a fluorescent protein that could be injected […]

Books, Books, Books!

Last week we celebrated World Book Day across the federation. All the children spent the day making their reading and book corners more inviting and engaging with the new books they had chosen. Thank you to our partner,  Norton Rose Fulbright for donating money towards this treat. The employees of Norton Rose Fulbright will be […]

It’s All Greek To Us!

As part of their learning and research into the Ancient Greeks, Year 5 went to the British Museum to study real artefacts for that era.   On Wednesday 22nd February, we went to the British Museum to learn about Ancient Greeks. We saw Greek Pottery; a coffin shaped as a bath tub; real golden coins […]

Roaming the Rainforest

Before half term, Year 3 had a busy week. They went to London Zoo and performed their class assembly.   The Zoo by Tomy On my way to the zoo I went on a big scary long escalator then on a ultra-fast train. Finally I went off when I arrived I felt jubilant. Because I […]

Lessons in Law

Year 5 have been lucky enough to visit City Hall to enhance their learning about the Ancient Greeks. Nancy and Caitlin wrote this report of their experience: On Wednesday 8th February 2017, we lucky Year 5s went to City Hall. When we arrived, the co-ordinator, who was named Richard, educated us about what London was […]

Digital Leaders Lead Safer Internet Day

  This week we celebrated Safer Internet Day. Classes took part in a range of activities to support the e-safety we already embed into our curriculum. We are very lucky to have 4 amazing pupils who support all the staff and children as their role as Digital Leaders. They planned questionnaires and tasks as part […]