Last week we celebrated World Book Day across the federation.

All the children spent the day making their reading and book corners more inviting and engaging with the new books they had chosen. Thank you to our partner,  Norton Rose Fulbright for donating money towards this treat.

The employees of Norton Rose Fulbright will be voting for the best book corner transformations over the next few week, the winning classes will win a special prize.

Here are some of the things the children and staff had to say at Tower Bridge:

I had fun on World Book Day. We did lots of reading as this is what World Book Day is about. I dressed up as Batman! We got new books for our classroom. I felt so excited because there were books I hadn’t read and there were some I didn’t know. I took one home and shared it with my mum.


Everyone’s costumes were stunning. I was Harry Potter. He’s my favourite character. I had so much fun.


Last Friday everyone in school dressed up as their favourite book character. We had a chance to read spectacular new books. World Book Day is about celebrating all the memoires, novels, non-fiction and fiction books around the world having fun just while reading them. It is very important to read books because they can help you improve on your speech and writing during school and in life.

Hannah and Alexis

On World Book Day I was Mrs Twit and helped organise the book corner. We even got to make our own book marks which was so much fun. Then we coloured butterflies different colours and we got our new books. The books were delivered and wrapped up. We had Horrid Henry, Roald Dahl, Jeremy Strong and David Walliams. We all got to take a new book home to read.


Children were happy to get new books. They were excited to put their own ideas into the class book corner.

Sarah Maugey

The children all looked fabulous! They enjoyed making their props to decorate the book corners.

Lisa Rowland

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As part of their learning and research into the Ancient Greeks, Year 5 went to the British Museum to study real artefacts for that era.


On Wednesday 22nd February, we went to the British Museum to learn about Ancient Greeks. We saw Greek Pottery; a coffin shaped as a bath tub; real golden coins and a few other artefacts. We had lots of fun and enjoyed looking at all the different artefacts in the museum.

Ella, Reanna and Zara, Year 5


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Before half term, Year 3 had a busy week. They went to London Zoo and performed their class assembly.


The Zoo by Tomy

On my way to the zoo I went on a big scary long escalator then on a ultra-fast train. Finally I went off when I arrived I felt jubilant. Because I never went to the zoo the first animal that I saw was a small and cute penguin waddling in their roomy tank. Then I saw Bugs. The first bug I saw was a cockroach, well not exactly and a bunch more. My favourite bug was a tarantula. Then it was lunch time and I ate my delicious food. A few minutes later I saw a sloth and a bunch of vicious, tough looking piranhas with razor sharp teeth. My day at ZSL London Zoo has left me speechless.


The Zoo by Ilyes

At first we got out of school. We went to London Bridge station by walking. Nicole had tickets for us so we could go on the train. We went to the escalator. Everybody was so scared of the escalator, especially me. Then we finally arrived at the zoo. The weather was really cold and windy. Luckily I got to be in a group where some of my friends were in it. So we did a vote of who wanted to go to the Reptile House and who wanted to go to the Gorilla Kingdom. When Harry asked who wanted to go to the Gorilla Kingdom no-one put their hand up and when Harry asked who wanted to go to the Reptile House everyone put their hand up. My favourite animal was the crocodile. It was as still as a statue, it did not blink! It had really sharp and thick claws. Also it had really scaly and dark green skin which made it look menacing. We all had a lovely day at the Zoo.

The Zoo by Elisa

First of all we took a little walk to the train, then we went up the escalator and we felt so happy and excited that we were almost halfway to the zoo. So when we were on the train my friends and I talked a little bit until we arrived at the zoo! We were all happy and then we split up into groups. There were three groups so we went to the Rainforest place and there were so many exotic animals like snakes, sloths and much more! We saw African hunting dogs. They were so fast! Then we went to lunch and I liked my food but we had the chance to talk (so I did).


Our Assembly by Anna

Our assembly was awesome!

We told a story about The Great Kapok Tree. In the end the man learned that the rainforest was so important to the animals that live there. Everybody worked hard and our costumes looked real. We hope everyone enjoyed our assembly and learned a lot about the rainforest.

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Year 5 have been lucky enough to visit City Hall to enhance their learning about the Ancient Greeks. Nancy and Caitlin wrote this report of their experience:

On Wednesday 8th February 2017, we lucky Year 5s went to City Hall. When we arrived, the co-ordinator, who was named Richard, educated us about what London was like in the past. When Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up Parliament and when London held its first Olympics; unfortunate times in London, such as the Black Death that killed half of London and the Great Smog. Afterwards, Richard gave us a tour around City Hall, like the meeting room but we had to be silent because they were having a meeting and it was on TV! We went to the top of City Hall to enjoy the views of the river Thames and the landmarks along it. We had a really fun time. DSC00612 DSC00613 DSC00614 DSC00616 DSC00617 DSC00618 DSC00619 DSC00622 DSC00624 DSC00625 DSC00626 DSC00627 DSC00629 DSC00631 DSC00632


This week we celebrated Safer Internet Day. Classes took part in a range of activities to support the e-safety we already embed into our curriculum. We are very lucky to have 4 amazing pupils who support all the staff and children as their role as Digital Leaders. They planned questionnaires and tasks as part of a badge that Year 5 and Year 6 completed. At the end of the day they lead a whole school assembly.

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Here is a blog from one of our brilliant digital leaders:

Safer Internet Day is all about how to be safe on the Internet. If we do not make safe decisions then people could be harmed. Many children around the world are affected by cyberbullying because some people do not care who they hurt. That’s why we celebrate Safer Internet Day – to teach everyone how to stay safe while using the Internet. Here at Tower Bridge, the digital leaders have performed an assembly to help teach our fellow school mates about the importance of Internet Safety. By Hannah, Year 5

Parents were invited to attend a workshop with PC Williams and our ICT Technician who helped advise on safer settings on devices in the home. Thank you to all the parents who came and asked lots of great questions.









“I’m glad I attended the workshop. Lots of information that I can use to secure using internet. Thank you.”

If you were not able to attend and would like more information, please click on the links below:

ceop childnet

internet matters NSPCC_Logo thinkuknow


On the 27th January 2017 year 5 & year 6 from The Bridges Federation were given the chance to watch Hansel & Gretel at The Peacocks Theatre. We loved the fact that we were in mixed groups with children from Tower Bridge and learnt many things about each other. We chatted all the way to the theatre..
The Pantomime was very entertaining and we would love to go again. There were characters who were acting as the opposite gender which made us laugh a lot!

We are very thankful that PWC (Price Waterhouse Coopers) who gave us the opportunity to watch such an amazing show. It was packed with songs, fun and entertainment!

Humaira and Lateefah

At the pantomime we saw lots of comedy and drama. We enjoyed the different scenes, music and how they changed the lyrics to make it fit the scene. Most importantly we really just loved going out with our friends and watching the spectacular performance. We hope we will get to go again and would like to give a massive thank you to the school and PwC for this amazing opportunity.

Hannah and Ella


The Japanese restaurant Wawa on Tower Bridge Road presented us with a cheque this week. They held a raffle over Christmas and raised £300 which they have donated to the school.DSC00918

Thank you so much!

On Thursday the Digital Leaders from the federation went to the Excel Exhibition Centre to look at all the new products and ideas to enhance ICT provision at the schools. Here is their report:

Today we had a fun experience coming to BETT and seeing many different companies. My favourite part was to go and see how to programme a Lego build using an iPad. I really enjoyed looking at the inventions and examining how they work. The funniest thing we saw was the dancing robots. This is because they were dancing to “Beat It” by Michael Jackson. We met an interesting lady who talked to us about the human body. We got lots of free stuff from some people. We had pens, superhero masks, bags, sweets, stress balls and popcorn. Something which really intrigued us were the 3D printers. We watched pots, skulls and the Millennium Falcon printed out.

By Dayo, Salma, Taahir, Adam, Hawa, Hannah, Fyori and Anna – The Bridges Federation Digital Leader Team.

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At the beginning  of the year we were encouraged to do a 5 minute run around the playground to make sure that we stay fit and healthy. Throughout the terms, it has become more and more challenging. We have had many people saying that they feel healthier and are able to do more laps than they previously did.  As part of our Sports’ leaders responsibilities, we have identified some of the children who found this activity a little bit difficult. We are now supporting them during the running activity and gave them each a running diary so they can write about their achievement and how they are building up their resilience! Our target is for all the children to run a mile a day.

All children are trying to beat their goals and go above and beyond, which makes Snowfields Primary a healthy and hardworking school.

By the Sports’ Leaders at Snowsfields


This week in Rainbow class, we have been busy baking currant buns as part of our literacy work on ‘The Tale of Peter Rabbit’. We had fun tasting the ingredients first and then kneading the dough and rolling it into balls. We also noticed the changes that happen when you add sugar to the yeast and water mixture-Lots of bubbles form and rise to the surface. We wrote about what we had done in literacy and sampled our delicious currant buns at snack time. Next week, we will be making brown bread!
