Our KS1 Christmas performance is the highlight of the Autumn term and I’m sure you’ll agree that this year was no exception! The children executed the songs with such enthusiasm and enjoyment which was only matched  by the quality of their performance! Well done to our talented children and thanks to all staff members who worked so hard to enable the children to perform so confidently!

A special thank you goes to COSTAIN and STREAMWIRE for funding the amazing costumes and props.


The children have joined tens of  millions of students across 180 countries to complete the ‘Hour of Code’. This event takes place each year during Computer Science Education Week.  Our digital leaders helped the younger classes access the computer coding session.



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Thank you to the Foundation Stage parents who attended our hat making workshop. Children and parents have thoroughly enjoyed the session and produced some lovely hats for the EYFS Winter Concert. We are looking forward to seeing all of the parents from Caterpillar and Butterfly classes on 14th December at 10:00.





The children in Foundation Stage have been learning about winter and the changes that take place around us during this season. These are some of the homework projects they have completed this half term.


Borough Market and their lovely visitors were treated to the dulcet tones of the Federation choir.

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On Tuesday morning we welcomed many parents and children to a Winter Crafts workshop. img_0878 img_0881 img_0882 img_0883 img_0892 img_0895 img_0894 img_0897 img_0898 img_0907 img_0908 img_0909 img_0910 img_0903

On Monday 5th December, the federation choir and Year 5 from Snowsfields and Tower Bridge gathered to parade their lanterns from Potter’s Fields to Hay’s Galleria. The Mayor of Southwark turned on the lights and we all sang carols, led by the choir. We certainly caught the attention of people leaving their offices and tourists by the river. It was a wonderful event. Thanks so much to the children, staff and parents who came. Thankyou to our partners –  TeamLondonBridge and Potter’s Fields for giving the children such a wonderful opportunity.


Year 5 and Year 6 have met their Shine Mentors for this year. Students from Kings College sign up to mentor a pupil over the academic year. They support in lessons and give up their valuable time each week to check in on pupils in school. Here are some of the children giving a grand tour.

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The Bridges Federation Choir began their series of concerts at the Norton Rose Fulbright Holly Fayre.

They sang beautifully and attracted many people from their desks to listen.dsc00738 dsc00744 dsc00743

Year One visited Surrey Docks Farm as part of their topic work.
