Returning to School

Welcome back to all our staff, pupils and families. We are excited to have you all back in school and are looking forward to a great year. We understand that some of you may be feeling anxious. Please go to our Home Learning page for some information…

Black Lives Matter

On the 25th May 2020 we watched in horror as George Floyd was unlawfully murdered in Minneapolis USA. This is not an isolated case and this is not just happening in America. People around the world have taken to the streets in protest and come…

Coronavirus update letter 11th May

Dear Parents and Carers, We hope you and your families are all well and keeping safe. The Prime Minister announced in his Covid-19 update last night that schools may be in a position from the 1st June to begin a phased return for the…

Home Learning

We hope you are all staying safe during lockdown and we are missing you all very much. Please go to our home learning page for access to our home learning pages for each year group. You can also find all the Twitter handles too. &n…

Coronavirus Advice

We are currently following public health advice issued to education settings. They state that the risk to individuals remains low (guidance as of 23.2.2020.) Link to advice: We…

Year 4 assembly

IMG_0116 from The Bridges Federation on Vimeo.

Snowsfields is a School for Success for a second year in a row!

Outstanding achievements of Snowsfields Primary School recognised by the Mayor of London The Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan, has celebrated the outstanding performance of Snowsfields Primary School in Southwark with an awards ceremony. Snowsfields…

Consultation – Robert Browning to join The Bridges Federation

For the last 12 months we have been working in partnership with Robert Browning Primary School as part of a soft federation. We are now consulting all staff, parents and children about whether Robert Browning should join us in a hard federation. Please…

Year 5 Make a SPLASH!!!!!

On Tuesday 16th July, after many weeks of tireless rehearsals, Year 5 at Snowsfields and Tower Bridge, and Year 3 and 4 from Robert Browning performed wonderful songs and dances at Southwark Splash. Southwark Splash is a wonderful experience…

Tower Bridge helping to reduce air pollution

Laura Neuveglise, Deputy Headteacher, has been working with pupils and the council and secured funding to install a green screen along the boundary with Tower Bridge Road. Pupils at Tower Bridge Primary School kicked off the campaign with…

The Kid Who Would Be King!

Old school magic meets the modern world in the epic adventure THE KID WHO WOULD BE KING. Alex (Ashbourne Serkis) thinks he’s just another nobody, until he stumbles upon the mythical Sword in the Stone, Excalibur. Now, he must unite his friends…

Christmas in London Bridge arrives with a festive flourish

On November 29th Team London Bridge hosted the annual London Bridge Christmas Carols and Lantern Parade, marking the start of Christmas in the area. The event was in collaboration with longstanding partners London Bridge City, Potters Fields Park…

Remembrance Day 2018

To commemorate 100 years since the end of World War One, every pupil in the school made a poppy to display around our portraits of Walter Tull and Albert McKenzie. They learned more about the heroic efforts of these young men and how they…

Purple Class Assembly

On Friday 9th November, Purple Class performed an assembly to the school and their parents. Based on their historical learning about World War Two, it evoked many emotions in all of us. Click here to view.

Exceptional achievements of Snowsfields and Tower Bridge Primary Schools recognised by Mayor of London

The exceptional performance of Snowsfields and Tower Bridge Primary Schools has been honoured by the Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan.  The schools were  invited to the Schools for Success awards ceremony at City Hall on Friday 5th October,…

Tower Bridge Receives NACE Challenge Award

On Thursday 4th October we were visited by an assessor from NACE (National Association for Able Children in Education). She met with parents, pupils, staff and Governors and observed lessons. We are pleased to announce that from all the…

Disability Awareness Day

On Friday 28th September we celebrated Disability Awareness Day. We thought about our similarities rather than differences. We studied famous people with disabilities and learnt about their achievements and how they overcame their…

Cross-country stars!

On Wednesday 19th September, Purple Class and Green Class took part in a Southwark cross country event with lots of different schools. We were so proud of their resilience and determination! Tower Bridge came 4th in the Year 6 competition and…

Members of King’s College came to work with Year 1 to Year 6 to investigate light. On Monday, the whole school got a once-in-a lifetime opportunity to discover the world of “Glow In The Dark” science. During the science workshop, brain scientists explained to us that jelly-fish have a fluorescent protein that could be injected […]

Last week we celebrated World Book Day across the federation. All the children spent the day making their reading and book corners more inviting and engaging with the new books they had chosen. Thank you to our partner,  Norton Rose Fulbright for donating money towards this treat. The employees of Norton Rose Fulbright will be […]

As part of their learning and research into the Ancient Greeks, Year 5 went to the British Museum to study real artefacts for that era.   On Wednesday 22nd February, we went to the British Museum to learn about Ancient Greeks. We saw Greek Pottery; a coffin shaped as a bath tub; real golden coins […]

Before half term, Year 3 had a busy week. They went to London Zoo and performed their class assembly.   The Zoo by Tomy On my way to the zoo I went on a big scary long escalator then on a ultra-fast train. Finally I went off when I arrived I felt jubilant. Because I […]

Year 5 have been lucky enough to visit City Hall to enhance their learning about the Ancient Greeks. Nancy and Caitlin wrote this report of their experience: On Wednesday 8th February 2017, we lucky Year 5s went to City Hall. When we arrived, the co-ordinator, who was named Richard, educated us about what London was […]

  This week we celebrated Safer Internet Day. Classes took part in a range of activities to support the e-safety we already embed into our curriculum. We are very lucky to have 4 amazing pupils who support all the staff and children as their role as Digital Leaders. They planned questionnaires and tasks as part […]

On the 27th January 2017 year 5 & year 6 from The Bridges Federation were given the chance to watch Hansel & Gretel at The Peacocks Theatre. We loved the fact that we were in mixed groups with children from Tower Bridge and learnt many things about each other. We chatted all the way to […]

The Japanese restaurant Wawa on Tower Bridge Road presented us with a cheque this week. They held a raffle over Christmas and raised £300 which they have donated to the school. Thank you so much!

On Thursday the Digital Leaders from the federation went to the Excel Exhibition Centre to look at all the new products and ideas to enhance ICT provision at the schools. Here is their report: Today we had a fun experience coming to BETT and seeing many different companies. My favourite part was to go and […]

At the beginning  of the year we were encouraged to do a 5 minute run around the playground to make sure that we stay fit and healthy. Throughout the terms, it has become more and more challenging. We have had many people saying that they feel healthier and are able to do more laps than […]

This week in Rainbow class, we have been busy baking currant buns as part of our literacy work on ‘The Tale of Peter Rabbit’. We had fun tasting the ingredients first and then kneading the dough and rolling it into balls. We also noticed the changes that happen when you add sugar to the yeast […]

Back in December some of us took part in a road safety project. We were directed by Dan Hobson from @theriotact to produce a film on how to keep safe on the roads. On the 17/1/17, we were escorted to an award winning ceremony. All of us were competing against other schools but we were […]

On Wednesday 18th January, we were chosen to participate in the EFL Cup for Kids. The EFL is the English Football League. We were playing 5 a side and we had to take part in 4 matches. There were 2 different group and altogether 12 teams. The first match we drew 1-1, the next match we […]

Last Friday Year 6 treated us to a lovely assembly. We based our assembly on our learning about World War Two. We used the book “Otto” which we read last term and we performed our own version including facts about Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler, and what was happening in Germany at that time. We […]

Some of the Year 5 and Year 6 children from the federation took part in an athletics tournament earlier this week. Ola has written this report for us. When I went on the sports trip we did lots of races and relay races. We had to do 4 laps, 8 laps and 2 laps. It […]

There have been rumblings in the corridors for a few weeks now. Clandestine conversations between pupils in Keystage 2. What did it all mean? Children have been rehearsing their acts for weeks and we were treated to an amazing array of talents. We had gymnasts, conjuring, rapping, dancing, drumming and singing. Never before have we seen […]

We were treated to Nursery and Reception’s Winter Concert – a lovely show full of winter songs. Some of the children had lines and spoke so clearly and loudly! The singing was wonderful and the children and staff had worked so hard to learn the lines and make their costumes. Thank you to all the […]

Last week children across the federation took part in The Hour of Code to promote computing and continue to develop the skills taught in lessons. They were supported by our amazing digital leaders. Learning to code is an important part of the curriculum. It helps develop children’s problem solving skills and resilience. Why not have […]

The Keystage One Show this year was a triumph! Peaches the Penguin travelled the world and helped Father Christmas, with songs and dancing along the way. The children and staff have worked so hard to achieve such a high standard of performance – well done to all of them! Thank you to Costain who paid […]

KS2 had their annual ‘Talent Show’ and as always, it was brilliant!  Well done to our talented children who showcased their diverse skills! We were entertained by a range of acts, including: contemporary dance routines, street dance, singers and rappers. Congratulations to NK Dynamix who was our overall winner, The Four Angels in 2nd place and The […]

          We performed in our Winter Concert and showed off all our speaking and singing talents to our parents. We sang lots of different songs and learnt lots of Makaton signs too! Our parents were really proud of us and we had lots of fun showing our work from this topic and […]