Entries by admin

The Bridges Running Club- for parents, carers and staff!

In September 2016 we introduced the ‘daily mile’ for the children at the Bridges Federation. We noticed that this had a brilliant impact on the children’s health and well-being. They were more resilient and focused in class too. Following this success we wanted to include our parents and staff too. We knew that many of […]

Lantern Parade

It has come to be an annual tradition where year 5 have been involved with the Lantern Parade at Potters Fields and Hay’s Galleria, kindly organised by Team London Bridge. Helen Harrison runs the lantern making workshops and always manages to think of wonderful Christmas themed things that can be made into lanterns. This year we […]

Parent and Pupil Questionnaires

Thank you to all the parents and pupils at both schools for completing your questionnaires. The results are overwhelmingly positive. You clearly love your school. You can read all the results on the Ofsted and Parent View pages under each school tab on this website. Snowsfields Tower Bridge You will also get the highlights on […]

2017 Road Safety Campaign

https://www.think.gov.uk/education/resource/crossing-the-road/ We are really proud of our year 1 and 2 children who took part in the 2017    road safety campaign! ‘I was asked to take part in a road safety film and I loved it! My favourite part was when the director gave me a microphone then he could hear me talk to him […]

Blue Class: Lanterns of Light

This week we had a lantern workshop. We had to make them for a lantern parade!! First we put ourselves in two groups. I was in the Berry group. On the first day we met Helen who was our teacher. First we made the shape with bamboo. The next day we covered it with strong […]

International Week 2017!

We had an amazing time during International Week! We learnt about very famous and inspirational scientists while having the most fun ever! Joshua Year 5 This week we have learnt about Black History Month.  This poem is inspired by what happened in the past.  I hope this poem can change the way we live. Imagine […]


Some of our children were lucky to be invited to the official launch of the new film: Paddington 2!   They went to meet Paddington at MoreLondon, who happened to bring another star of the film, Hugh Bonneville as well as the Mayor, Sadiq Khan. The children behaved beautifully, even though Paddington was being a […]


International Week celebrated Black history Month with a special focus on scientists and inventors. The children have spent this week writing biographies, creating portraits and writing poetry to be read aloud at International Evening. We had learnt about Bessie Coleman as part of Black History Month. On Tuesday and Wednesday we made portraits of her […]

LPESSN – Girls in Sport Week

The LPESSN (London PE and Sport School Network) held some events to celebrate Women in Sport. Girls from the federation took part in American Football and Boxing. On Monday some of us went to learn how to play American football. First we learnt what the people were called and we played. I was partnered up […]

Cross Country Running

For the past year, children have been running everyday for 5 minutes at the beginning of morning play. They have been building up their stamina and resilience – some are even running a mile each morning!!! Last week some of the Year 5 and 6 pupils went to Southwark Park to take part in a […]