Entries by admin

Digital Leaders Lead Safer Internet Day

  This week we celebrated Safer Internet Day. Classes took part in a range of activities to support the e-safety we already embed into our curriculum. We are very lucky to have 4 amazing pupils who support all the staff and children as their role as Digital Leaders. They planned questionnaires and tasks as part […]

He’s behind You!

On the 27th January 2017 year 5 & year 6 from The Bridges Federation were given the chance to watch Hansel & Gretel at The Peacocks Theatre. We loved the fact that we were in mixed groups with children from Tower Bridge and learnt many things about each other. We chatted all the way to […]

A Generous Donation

The Japanese restaurant Wawa on Tower Bridge Road presented us with a cheque this week. They held a raffle over Christmas and raised £300 which they have donated to the school. Thank you so much!

Bridges at Bett 2017

On Thursday the Digital Leaders from the federation went to the Excel Exhibition Centre to look at all the new products and ideas to enhance ICT provision at the schools. Here is their report: Today we had a fun experience coming to BETT and seeing many different companies. My favourite part was to go and […]

Running at Snowsfields

At the beginning  of the year we were encouraged to do a 5 minute run around the playground to make sure that we stay fit and healthy. Throughout the terms, it has become more and more challenging. We have had many people saying that they feel healthier and are able to do more laps than […]

Rainbow News

This week in Rainbow class, we have been busy baking currant buns as part of our literacy work on ‘The Tale of Peter Rabbit’. We had fun tasting the ingredients first and then kneading the dough and rolling it into balls. We also noticed the changes that happen when you add sugar to the yeast […]

We won an Oscar!

Back in December some of us took part in a road safety project. We were directed by Dan Hobson from @theriotact to produce a film on how to keep safe on the roads. On the 17/1/17, we were escorted to an award winning ceremony. All of us were competing against other schools but we were […]

EFL Football Tournament

On Wednesday 18th January, we were chosen to participate in the EFL Cup for Kids. The EFL is the English Football League. We were playing 5 a side and we had to take part in 4 matches. There were 2 different group and altogether 12 teams. The first match we drew 1-1, the next match we […]

Year 6 Assembly

Last Friday Year 6 treated us to a lovely assembly. We based our assembly on our learning about World War Two. We used the book “Otto” which we read last term and we performed our own version including facts about Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler, and what was happening in Germany at that time. We […]

Bridges Come 3rd!

Some of the Year 5 and Year 6 children from the federation took part in an athletics tournament earlier this week. Ola has written this report for us. When I went on the sports trip we did lots of races and relay races. We had to do 4 laps, 8 laps and 2 laps. It […]