For the past year, children have been running everyday for 5 minutes at the beginning of morning play. They have been building up their stamina and resilience – some are even running a mile each morning!!!
Last week some of the Year 5 and 6 pupils went to Southwark Park to take part in a 2km cross country run, and that afternoon we were treated to an assembly from parkrun junior to inspire us even more1
“The race was very tiring but I still had a lot of fun!” Ahmed
“This was fun and it was tiring!” Sophie
“The race was fun but it took out a lot of my energy!” Hannah
“Today I felt that the race was good and I tried my best.” Faith
“This was a great experience because we got to work as a team and develop our running skills.” Victoria
“First I came first then third! We all tried our best.” George
“I was happy because I wasn’t losing any energy so I love the running!” Zach
“It looks easy, however pushed hard to get through it. We worked well as a team and came 5th out of 300 people!” Adam
“I felt like I was going to lose, but I came 7th!” Michael
“Today’s running was tricky.” Rubie
“Running is fun.” Amina