



On Wednesday 3rd May Reception had the lovely opportunity to visit the Science Museum! We had a wonderful experience of getting to take the tube and we were very sensible and responsible during our travel. It was very exciting to travel in this way! When we arrived at the Museum we got to visit some interactive workshops, including the Garden and Pattern Pod in which we got to explore patterns in the world and lots of sensory changes and experiences. We had lots of fun investigating a new environment! Well done Reception for not only being really safe on our trip but also having lots of fun and trying out new things!










Ahead of International Herb Day, which took place on Saturday 6th May, a pop up urban herb garden was erected on Potters Fields. The horticultural display celebrated the benefits of growing and cultivating your own herbs. Gardening expert Charlie Dimmock was on hand explaining how to make the most of small spaces and how herbs can be a great introduction into gardening. Our  

School Council members and Science Leaders were invited by Team London Bridge to attend this event and were eager to hear Charlie’s her top tips. 

We are really lucky and extremely grateful to Team London Bridge for donating the Herb Garden to the Bridges Federation. The move will kick start our garden improvement project.

‘We are really looking forward to welcoming some volunteers from Team London Bridge and the Belmond Group on 12th May to help us develop our vegetable patch and grow our own produce!’

Humaira and Ahamed Year 6


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Thank you so much to all the parents who were able to come to Year 1 today to read with their children and their friends.

The children enjoyed it immensely!


“It was fun; I love the princess and the pea; I learnt what characters I like the best.”


I like today because there are lots of adults here to see and support us read. It was fun.


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Year 1 treated us all to their class assembly based on “Where the Wild Things Are” which is helping them with their learning about Monsters.

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We were lucky to have duck eggs come to Reception on Monday the 24th April. We saw them hatch and we gave them food and water to help them grow. We were able to watch them swim and gave them a cuddle. 

I will miss them. – Salma J

They are fluffy and soft. – Mohammed

“I thought they were very chatty because they were making lots of noise.”-Vanessa

“I think that they are funny because they were running around and chasing each other” -Alex

“They are cuter than adult ducks.”-Kajus

“I liked their tiny beaks and webbed feet.”-Nathalia

“I thought they were adorable when they were flapping their wings and trying to fly.”-Lordina

“I thought they were really cute because one of them tried to eat the tape.”-Blue

“They’re really cute and fluffy.”-Mia

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Science Museum


We went to the science museum. We caught the tube there and then were able to play in a garden with lots of great activities.

We went to the pattern pod where we were playing with different lights. We also saw lots of different old transport like trains and cars.

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Year 6 SATS

Dear Parents/ Guardians,

The end of Key Stage two tests will take place in the week beginning 8th May 2017. Here is a breakdown of the tests the children will be sitting.


 Monday 8th May:

  • Reading Comprehension Test (1 hour)

Tuesday 9th May:

  • Grammar and Punctuation Test (45 minutes)
  • Spelling Test (20 minutes)

 Wednesday 10th May:

  • Maths Paper 1: Arithmetic (30 mins)
  • Maths Paper 2: Reasoning (40 mins)

Thursday 11th May:

  • Maths Paper 3: Reasoning (40 mins)


Year 6 children will be expected to come to school at 8.30am on the mornings of the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th May so they can have breakfast together. The year 6 team will be at hand to appease any last minute nerves and make sure that all the children are feeling calm and relaxed before the tests begin.


During test week, it is crucial that your child attends school on time every day. In case of an emergency please contact the school immediately so plans can be put in place to support your child and make sure that everything goes as smoothly as possible for them during these tests.

What can you do to help your child during Test Week?

  • Avoid making appointments during SATs week
  • Encourage your child to be confident about their ability to do well
  • Encourage positive thinking
  • Explain that SATs provide an opportunity for them to show what they know
  • Make sure your child goes to bed early and has a good night’s sleep


As a special treat, the year 6 classes will be spending Friday 12th at the Oval Cricket Ground where the children will have the opportunity to watch an action-packed game of cricket from their seats in the stands and participate in some engaging and enjoyable activities.


Caterpillar and Butterfly classes have absolutely loved having the ducks at school.  They enjoyed watching them hatch and were fascinated with them when they were walking around. The children were gentle with them and quiet when they were sleeping and when we got them out.  They loved watching them paddle in the water and have talked about them nonstop. What a wonderful experience it was for them!

‘’When they come out they are all wet’’ Enzo

‘’ They hatch from the shell, they have to work out to get out and then they need a rest.’’ Ridwan​


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On Tuesday 25th April, we were so lucky because we had the opportunity to represent Snowsfields at a math tournament. We were in a team of three competing against other schools doing many math challenges. Our favourite challenge was game 24. In game 24 you have to use all different operations and numbers to make the number 24. It was very exciting. We had a successful day because we were able to beat a lot of other schools. We had a good day hopefully we can go next year!

By F.G Year 5

  maths challenge

On Friday morning, Year 1 held a reading café where parents were invited into our class to read with the children. It was a fantastic opportunity to choose a range of books from our book corner and to have fun reading!


The children loved having the parents in their class and were excited about reading with them. It was a great opportunity to listen to the children read and talk about the books.


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