Dear Parents and Carers,

As you will all be aware there was a major incident at London Bridge and Borough Market on Saturday night. I would like to start by saying that all our thoughts and prayers are with those who were caught up in these sad and tragic events.

I know that many of you will have been very distressed by this incident, especially as it happened so close to our schools and to where many of you live.

We expect that some children may be worried returning to school today and I want to reassure you that all school staff will be there to support the children through this. We are a school community and that is what communities do; they come together through the bad times as well as the good. If there is anything you are worried about please come in and talk to us.

The following links from the NSPCC and from BBC Newsround offer some advice you may find useful on how to support children who may be worried.

We are all proud to live and work in London and be part of such a diverse community. As a school we will not allow these events to stop us working together. We will continue to learn about and celebrate all our religious and cultural differences.

Thank you all for you continued support.

Due to the ongoing incident at London Bridge, Snowsfields and Tower Bridge Primary schools will be closed on Monday 5th June. Please check your texts and the website for further information. We will let you know about Tuesday as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding

Last week Year 6 visited London City Mission as part of their R.E and History learning to discover Faith In Action Victorian Style.


We dressed up like Victorians and we saw old buses and we drank tea. In the Victorian times they would sleep on a rope. we went back in time to explore the 1800s. Aness

On Thursday 18th May, Year 6 went to London City Mission to dress up as Victorian children and went back in time. When I was all dressed up, two of the people said I looked and sounded like Oliver Twist, which I was proud of. While we were there, we tried some foods that children around that time would have had for tea, but it had no sugar! David

On Thursday 18th May, Year 6 went to London City Mission to dress up as Victorians, and we learned a lot about how they sleep. Did you know they got hit when they didn’t do their jobs? They had to go up a chimney and clean it bare foot with a brush. We went into a class and the teachers taught us handwriting. We couldn’t learn with the boys in 1800s. Shannon

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So many parents came to read with their children, we had to borrow chairs from other rooms! Thank you to all who came. It was lovely seeing you spend quality reading time with your children.

I liked reading to my mum. Because it was fun and I liked it. I liked to read to my mum, because at home she reads to me. At home I read to myself. I learned how to say some words.

I enjoyed the book little farmer joe. I enjoyed Harry and the Dinosaurs make a Christmas wish.

I liked to read with my Mummy because it was fun.

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DSC01417Some of the Year 5 children were asked to help out with the Herb Garden at Snowsfields School.







Today we went to Snowsfields so that we could garden. When we arrived there, we split up into groups of two. The first group planted sage and the second group that I was in, we were planting mint. When we finished planting we joined with the other groups and we all planted broad beans. After we finished, the other group watered the plants, while the group I was with took a photo with the volunteers. Then we said thank you.


Today’s trip was really fun and exciting! We went to Snowsfields to do some gardening! We planted some sage, mint and broad beans. We each got some gloves for our hands. When we were ready they gave us each some hand forks and trowels. We got into groups of four and my group planted sage. The other group did mint. Then all of us did the broad beans. We watered the crops and got ready to go.


Today we went to Snowsfields in order to help with the Snowsfields’ garden. We split up into two groups. The group I was in planted mint. The other group planted sage. After we finished, we planted broad beans. The other group was watering the plants, while we took a picture with the volunteers from Costain.


Today 8 children from Year 5 went on a thrilling trip to Snowsfields to do gardening with Costain. When we entered the secret garden we explored it. We were given hand forks and trowels to dig the soil. We planted sage plants, mint plants and broad beans. This adventurous trip was amazing. Thank you very much1


Today we went to Snowsfields. We did gardening in groups of four and planted sage which was really fun. The other group planted mint and sage which smelt nice for me. Some adult gardeners took some photos of us in a group smiling. My favourite part was when I planted the sage with my partner Denis.


We went on an exciting trip and travelled to Snowsfields to explore some gardening. We spotted two frogs emerging from the pond as we walked around the surrounding nature garden. A little while later, we started planting the sage, mint and broad beans. This is where it got messy! We loved all the greenery we had planted. In the end, we thanked the gardeners for helping us all the way. Afterwards, we had to wash our hands and leave the area. I had fun!


8 people went to Snowsfields and got to garden. Denis and Zaid enjoyed gardening plants and watering them. In groups of 4, the first plant we planted was called a sage. The other group planted mint. Afterwards we planted broad beans next to a stick and then watered the broad bean and the sage. In the beginning, we played hide-and-seek and took lots of photos.


Last Friday we went to Snowsfields to do some gardening. First we got some tools, which were trowels and a hand fork, and next we went to the mint plant. It smelled awesome. Secondly we dug a hole with our tools and put the plant in the hole. After that, we all gathered up and put some tall twigs into the soil and cut them with some giant scissors. Finally we made a hole with our fingers and planted the broad beans.


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We had an amazing show of parents for the Year 2 Reading Café! It was clear that the children love books and enjoyed sharing them with all the adults.

“I enjoyed reading with mummy.”

“I like reading with my mum because it makes me smart.”

“I enjoyed reading “The Moon Jet” because Kipper used his imagination to see space and I like space.”

“I like reading with you.”

“I learnt new words in all sorts of books.”

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Last Friday Year 1 performed our class assembly. Our topic is on monsters and we performed a play about a good monster who was judged by the way she looked.

“I played a good monster. I had to go in the cupboard and then Temitayo and Temidayo took me to the zoo. I enjoyed when I came back to my family.” Angelina

“I liked the part when I went to get the banners.” Franky

“I enjoyed it when everyone said yes when Temitayo asked them to get the monster.” Zeinab

Thank you to all the parents who came to watch. It was great to see so many of you and we hope you enjoyed it!​

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On Wednesday 3rd May Reception had the lovely opportunity to visit the Science Museum! We had a wonderful experience of getting to take the tube and we were very sensible and responsible during our travel. It was very exciting to travel in this way! When we arrived at the Museum we got to visit some interactive workshops, including the Garden and Pattern Pod in which we got to explore patterns in the world and lots of sensory changes and experiences. We had lots of fun investigating a new environment! Well done Reception for not only being really safe on our trip but also having lots of fun and trying out new things!










Ahead of International Herb Day, which took place on Saturday 6th May, a pop up urban herb garden was erected on Potters Fields. The horticultural display celebrated the benefits of growing and cultivating your own herbs. Gardening expert Charlie Dimmock was on hand explaining how to make the most of small spaces and how herbs can be a great introduction into gardening. Our  

School Council members and Science Leaders were invited by Team London Bridge to attend this event and were eager to hear Charlie’s her top tips. 

We are really lucky and extremely grateful to Team London Bridge for donating the Herb Garden to the Bridges Federation. The move will kick start our garden improvement project.

‘We are really looking forward to welcoming some volunteers from Team London Bridge and the Belmond Group on 12th May to help us develop our vegetable patch and grow our own produce!’

Humaira and Ahamed Year 6


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Thank you so much to all the parents who were able to come to Year 1 today to read with their children and their friends.

The children enjoyed it immensely!


“It was fun; I love the princess and the pea; I learnt what characters I like the best.”


I like today because there are lots of adults here to see and support us read. It was fun.


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