Race for Life

On Friday 6th July, Snowsfields and Tower Bridge met at Southwark Park for our annual sports day.   The parent running group kicked things off by running the 5km course with staff members. We were so thrilled that new parents joined…

Bridges Makes A Splash!

On Wednesday 11th July, both Snowsfields and Tower Bridge Year 5, along with a Year3/4 class from Robert Browning Primary School and others, took part in Southwark Splash Anthology. The children have been rehearsing for weeks and all the hard…

Bridges Choir Meet HRH Prince William, Duke of Cambridge

On Wednesday 9th May, children from the Bridges Choir were invited to sing at the Grand Reopening of London Bridge Station.​ Enthusiastic and excited, the children worked really hard on their performance ready to shine at the event. On…

The Little Half

The Little Half On Friday 9th March, we ran 2.4 miles around the Snowsfields playground. We had to use our resilience and run non-stop so we could receive the Little Half medal and t-shirt. We were all determined, parents, children and teachers!…

A Visit to Parliament

On Wednesday 28th February, Year 5 braved the snowy conditions and went to Westminster as part of their learning about Democracy.   Year 5 went to Parliament. The journey was really cold because... THERE WAS SNOW! The last time it…

School Closure

Tower Bridge and Snowfields schools will be closed tomorrow  Friday 2nd March due to weather warnings and travel disruption. We will reopen on Monday 5th March. Keep warm and stay safe!   We will be closed today due to the adverse…


This year the school council decided to raise money for the NSPCC -National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children- so on Wednesday 21st February all the children had a 'Wear something green' day to support this charity. We had some…

People who help us!

Last week, as part of our people who help us topic, we had the police and firefighters visit our school. The police talked to us about their job and how they keep us safe in our community and what number to call if we are in trouble. The firefighters…

The Bridges Running Club- for parents, carers and staff!

In September 2016 we introduced the 'daily mile' for the children at the Bridges Federation. We noticed that this had a brilliant impact on the children's health and well-being. They were more resilient and focused in class too. Following…

Lantern Parade

It has come to be an annual tradition where year 5 have been involved with the Lantern Parade at Potters Fields and Hay's Galleria, kindly organised by Team London Bridge. Helen Harrison runs the lantern making workshops and always manages…

Parent and Pupil Questionnaires

Thank you to all the parents and pupils at both schools for completing your questionnaires. The results are overwhelmingly positive. You clearly love your school. You can read all the results on the Ofsted and Parent View pages under each school…

2017 Road Safety Campaign

https://www.think.gov.uk/education/resource/crossing-the-road/ We are really proud of our year 1 and 2 children who took part in the 2017    road safety campaign! 'I was asked to take part in a road safety film and I loved it! My favourite…

Blue Class: Lanterns of Light

This week we had a lantern workshop. We had to make them for a lantern parade!! First we put ourselves in two groups. I was in the Berry group. On the first day we met Helen who was our teacher. First we made the shape with bamboo. The next…

International Week 2017!

We had an amazing time during International Week! We learnt about very famous and inspirational scientists while having the most fun ever! Joshua Year 5 This week we have learnt about Black History Month.  This poem is inspired by…


Some of our children were lucky to be invited to the official launch of the new film: Paddington 2!   They went to meet Paddington at MoreLondon, who happened to bring another star of the film, Hugh Bonneville as well as the Mayor,…


International Week celebrated Black history Month with a special focus on scientists and inventors. The children have spent this week writing biographies, creating portraits and writing poetry to be read aloud at International Evening. We…

LPESSN – Girls in Sport Week

The LPESSN (London PE and Sport School Network) held some events to celebrate Women in Sport. Girls from the federation took part in American Football and Boxing. On Monday some of us went to learn how to play American football. First we…

Cross Country Running

For the past year, children have been running everyday for 5 minutes at the beginning of morning play. They have been building up their stamina and resilience - some are even running a mile each morning!!! Last week some of the Year 5 and 6…

IntoUniversity Week

Year 6 spent a week working with IntoUniversity, a local learning centre which runs workshops and projects inspiring young people to achieve a higher education. Purple class were lucky enough to visit HMS Belfast and visit Trinity College…

Churchill’s War Room

On Monday 18th September, we went to the Churchill War Rooms. Once inside, we were shown a video from World War 2. We were handed out some devices that informed us about the different rooms. Interestingly, the people that worked there left the…

Snowsfields Portrait Gallery

                                              Lilah Lucy…

On Wednesday 9th November, many of our Blue class pupils accompanied by their  parents and carers attended the launch party for the Guy Fox 7th book  ‘Saving, Investments and Pensions’. Here is what Martina and Emily had to say about the special evening. ‘We had an amazing time on the 9th floor of City Hall. […]

Last week Blue class put together an assembly all about Vikings. We told the story of the legend of Beowulf and Grendel by adding a modern twist and making it look  like a computer game. We were really grateful that so many people enjoyed it as we had so much fun putting it together and […]

On 11th November Year 5 and 6 from Snowsfields and Tower Bridge School walked to the War Memorial in Guy’s Hospital to take part in the Remembrance Ceremony. Earlier in the morning the Head Boy and Head Girl from each school led an assembly for Keystage Two to discuss the significance of Remembrance Day.

Thank you to all the parents to came to the Nursery Stay and Learn session on 9th November. We hope you all enjoyed making your puppets!

On 8th November, Year 2 visited the Transport Museum as part of their topic work. They followed the museum trail, drove tube trains and buses!

On 7th November, Year 5 went to visit the Science Museum as part of their Science work about forces. Here is a blog of the trip by Adele and Alma. When we got inside the museum, one of the things we saw was a piece of the moon. The astronaut David Scott was the first one […]

The last week of half term has been filled with fun because it was international week. Our theme was community and we have been looking at ourselves and what makes us, us. We really enjoyed working together with the Tower Bridge pupils and getting to know them better. The week ended with our spectacular performance […]

Our current year 5 class took part in a brilliant project run by the Guy Fox Project charity – @GuyFoxLondon. This project is all about Money and the ways that you can use it to make More MONEY! The children worked with the talented people from Guy Fox and volunteers from Willis Towers Watson to […]

On Wednesday 19th October we welcomed families in our school to share food and enjoy entertainment provided by the choir and drumming groups. This was the third year we have held International Evening, and each year it gets better and better. Thank you to all the parents and children who supported the staff in making […]

Yellow Class was invited to take part in workshops run by artists at the Tate Modern gallery this week, and we had an incredible time. During the morning, we visited some of the gallery’s most famous artworks, such as Henri Matisse’s The Snail and Monet’s Waterlilies. After lunch, we began our workshops. Half of Yellow […]

Wednesday 19th October International Evening Tuesday 1st November School Photos Monday 14th November Pupil Review Meetings with Parents – School closed Tuesday 13th December Christmas Show Key Stage 1 Wednesday 14th December Winter Concert EYFS Wednesday 14th December Class Parties Thursday 15th December Christmas Dinner Monday 6th February Pupil Review Meetings with Parents – School […]

Thursday 20th October International Evening Tuesday 1st November School Photos Monday 14th November Pupil Review Meetings with Parents – School closed Tuesday 13th December Christmas Show Key Stage 1 Wednesday 14th December Winter Concert EYFS Wednesday 14th December Christmas Dinner Thursday 15th December Class Parties Monday 6th February Pupil Review Meetings with Parents – School […]

Have a look at our ducklings who were born today, Friday 13th May. One of them has been named Jim after our Premises Officer.

Meet the newest and youngest members of our school – hatched on Friday 13th May.