LPESSN Awards 2017

This year Adele and Lateefah were nominated for Primary Sports Leader of the year. Sadly they missed out on winning, however we are very proud of all their hard work and the hard work of their fellow sports leaders. Without them the federation…

EYFS: Graduation

On Tuesday 11th July EYFS had a special ‘Graduation’ with our friends and parents. We were really excited to show our families our good behaviour, fabulous singing and also celebrate our excellent year of learning together. We sang ‘Baby…

Race for Life

Last Friday we joined together at Southwark Park to take part in sports activities and Race for Life. Staff, children and parents all joined in—as you can see we had a wonderful time!

Splash Project 2017

                                          Last night, the…

Y5: Reading Cafe

Our last reading café events were held today in both schools for Year 5 children and parents. Thanks you to all the parents who were able to come and support your children. We had some great comments from you all.   I enjoyed reading…

Y6: The Lion King

After weeks of rehearsals year 6 came together to perform an amazing version of The Lion King. The preparation began with lots of line learning and mass singing rehearsals. The Circle of Life felt particularly relevant as Year 6 complete…

Y2: Sunny Southend!

This week, Year 2 took a trip to the seaside at Southend.                   I had so much fun! I liked putting my feet in the water. –Tilly           The…

What a talented team!

We are delighted to share with you some exciting news! Last night at the Southwark Excellence Teaching award ceremony, three of our talented staff members were nominated for special awards. Well done to Richard our year 6 teacher at Snowsfields…

We do love to be beside the seaside!

The year two classes across the federation had an amazing time at the seaside this week! Here are some of lovely recounts the children produced in Orange class.   'We got to school at 8:15 and excitedly walked to the coach to meet…

EYFS at the Aquarium!

This week Early Years went on a fantastic adventure by bus to the London Aquarium. We were excited to see the sharks, turtles, penguins, jellyfish, starfish,   seahorses as well as a variety of other sea creatures and plant life. We especially…

Year 4 Reading Cafe

For the last 2 weeks, Year 4 at both Snowsfields and Tower Bridge have hosted their Reading Cafes: "I learned a lot today by coming to the Reading café with my son. I get to read with him in his class. And I enjoy it." "I liked reading…

A Tale Unfolds filming project with Yellow Class

We have been working really hard with a company called 'A Tale Unfolds' on a film making project about the negative impact plastic has on the environment and especially on sea life. Our main objective was to create a film to encourage people…

EYFS at the Sea Life Aquarium

The children in Butterfly and caterpillar classes had a fantastic time at Sea Life Aquarium on the South Bank. It has been a very successful trip and a lot of it was thank you to the people who assisted us with our volunteers and adult ratios…

Year 3: Reading Cafe

Both Year 3 classes across the federation recently hosted their reading cafes to parents. Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend. The children have enjoyed sharing stories and their new books with you. "I like that Mum sits…

Huge turnout for the Tower Bridge Election

As part of our learning about life in Great Britain, Tower Bridge held their own mock election on Thursday. The children watched Newsround clips about the main parties and then were taken to the Polling station in the library to cast their vote.   Later…

snowsfields General Elections 2017

We have run our own general elections today to decide who the next prime minister will be. We watched the different political party 60 second guides and discussed which party would look after us the best.  In class, we talked about democracy…


Dear Parents and Carers, As you will all be aware there was a major incident at London Bridge and Borough Market on Saturday night. I would like to start by saying that all our thoughts and prayers are with those who were caught up in these…


Due to the ongoing incident at London Bridge, Snowsfields and Tower Bridge Primary schools will be closed on Monday 5th June. Please check your texts and the website for further information. We will let you know about Tuesday as soon as possible.…

Year 6: F.A.V.S

Last week Year 6 visited London City Mission as part of their R.E and History learning to discover Faith In Action Victorian Style. We dressed up like Victorians and we saw old buses and we drank tea. In the Victorian times they would…

Year 2: Reading Cafe

So many parents came to read with their children, we had to borrow chairs from other rooms! Thank you to all who came. It was lovely seeing you spend quality reading time with your children. I liked reading to my mum. Because it was fun and…

Year 5: Herb Gardening

Some of the Year 5 children were asked to help out with the Herb Garden at Snowsfields School.             Today we went to Snowsfields so that we could garden. When we arrived there, we split…

On Wednesday 9th November, many of our Blue class pupils accompanied by their  parents and carers attended the launch party for the Guy Fox 7th book  ‘Saving, Investments and Pensions’. Here is what Martina and Emily had to say about the special evening. ‘We had an amazing time on the 9th floor of City Hall. […]

Last week Blue class put together an assembly all about Vikings. We told the story of the legend of Beowulf and Grendel by adding a modern twist and making it look  like a computer game. We were really grateful that so many people enjoyed it as we had so much fun putting it together and […]

On 11th November Year 5 and 6 from Snowsfields and Tower Bridge School walked to the War Memorial in Guy’s Hospital to take part in the Remembrance Ceremony. Earlier in the morning the Head Boy and Head Girl from each school led an assembly for Keystage Two to discuss the significance of Remembrance Day.

Thank you to all the parents to came to the Nursery Stay and Learn session on 9th November. We hope you all enjoyed making your puppets!

On 8th November, Year 2 visited the Transport Museum as part of their topic work. They followed the museum trail, drove tube trains and buses!

On 7th November, Year 5 went to visit the Science Museum as part of their Science work about forces. Here is a blog of the trip by Adele and Alma. When we got inside the museum, one of the things we saw was a piece of the moon. The astronaut David Scott was the first one […]

The last week of half term has been filled with fun because it was international week. Our theme was community and we have been looking at ourselves and what makes us, us. We really enjoyed working together with the Tower Bridge pupils and getting to know them better. The week ended with our spectacular performance […]

Our current year 5 class took part in a brilliant project run by the Guy Fox Project charity – @GuyFoxLondon. This project is all about Money and the ways that you can use it to make More MONEY! The children worked with the talented people from Guy Fox and volunteers from Willis Towers Watson to […]

On Wednesday 19th October we welcomed families in our school to share food and enjoy entertainment provided by the choir and drumming groups. This was the third year we have held International Evening, and each year it gets better and better. Thank you to all the parents and children who supported the staff in making […]

Yellow Class was invited to take part in workshops run by artists at the Tate Modern gallery this week, and we had an incredible time. During the morning, we visited some of the gallery’s most famous artworks, such as Henri Matisse’s The Snail and Monet’s Waterlilies. After lunch, we began our workshops. Half of Yellow […]

Wednesday 19th October International Evening Tuesday 1st November School Photos Monday 14th November Pupil Review Meetings with Parents – School closed Tuesday 13th December Christmas Show Key Stage 1 Wednesday 14th December Winter Concert EYFS Wednesday 14th December Class Parties Thursday 15th December Christmas Dinner Monday 6th February Pupil Review Meetings with Parents – School […]

Thursday 20th October International Evening Tuesday 1st November School Photos Monday 14th November Pupil Review Meetings with Parents – School closed Tuesday 13th December Christmas Show Key Stage 1 Wednesday 14th December Winter Concert EYFS Wednesday 14th December Christmas Dinner Thursday 15th December Class Parties Monday 6th February Pupil Review Meetings with Parents – School […]

Have a look at our ducklings who were born today, Friday 13th May. One of them has been named Jim after our Premises Officer.

Meet the newest and youngest members of our school – hatched on Friday 13th May.