Year Five have been making lanterns for the Lantern Parade along the river on Monday 5th December.

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Year One were invited to Potter’s Fields to learn about how chocolate is made by Divine Chocolate. They also received an advent calendar.oct_6815 oct_6820 oct_6831

Year 1 and 2 have been to Millwall to take part in a multiskills competition.

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On 25th November, the school was held to ransom by Viking Invaders! Year 5 have been learning about the Vikings all term. They presented us with artefacts and a retelling of the famous story Beowulf! Well done to all the children, Ajita and Ben for their hardwork. Thanks too to all the parents who came to watch.

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On Monday 21st November, we were pleased to welcome 34 delegates from across the South East who attended a one day seminar for G&T coordinators .

This course was a led by Pauline Hinchliffe a NACE Award Challenge assessor who provided the coordinators with the foundations that support good provision and guidance on strategies for creating high expectations and challenge in the classroom. We were really proud as a NACE Challenge Award school to share with our guests some of the good practice and provision our more able children benefit from at the Bridges Federation.






shineThe pupils from year 5 and 6 classes met their Shine mentors yesterday!

The project which is organised by Shine Mentoring has been running across the Bridges Federation for several years and has

been very successful.

The children benefit from some 1:1 coaching and mentoring, throughout their last years at primary school. The mentors are all university

students studying at Kings College London.

We are pleased to welcome all of the mentors to Snowsfields and hope that they have a successful time, helping our pupils make progress!

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Andrew Dawes from @ReFormArchi shared with our KS2 classes some interesting facts about the proposed  pedestrian and cyclist bridge which will connect south east London to the Docklands.

Did you know that there are 32 bridges across the River Thames to the west of Tower Bridge and only one to the east?

If the project goes ahead, the Rotherhithe Bridge will be the longest bascule opening bridge in the world.

Click on the link below to have a look at a computer generated animation of the bridge

Rotherhithe Bridge




‘Our assembly was a short reconstruction of what life was like for young Londoners during World War II. Children were known as Evacuees as they had to leave the city and travel to the country side where they were safe from deadly air raids. During the assembly, we shared some facts about what the evacuation process was like. Some children had a wonderful time on farms and villages while others had a really bad experience and only stayed with their host families for a few weeks, before returning home ’ Dayo and J’Cele.



On Monday 21st November, year 4 went to Lullingstone to visit the Roman Villa and see the artefacts there as part of their topic work on the Romans. Here are some of their diaries from the day:

On Monday, Year 4 went on a trip to Lullingstone Roman Villa and it was really fun. We couldn’t go straight inside because we waited for Snowsfields to arrive. As soon as they did, we went inside to watch a clip about how the Villa looked back in AD 100. We could see in front of us the ruins of the Villa now in 2016. After a while, we looked around for about an hour then went to have a nice peaceful lunch. We had lunch for half an hour and then looked around some more before having to head back to school. We got back to Tower Bridge just in time for assembly.  By Zachariah

On Monday we went to see Lullingstone Roman Villa with Snowsfields in two coaches. When we got there we had to go upstairs to watch a clip about how Romans lived back in Roman Britain. We had some research books so we could take detailed notes and sketch during our visit. After lunch (I had a cheese sandwich) we had one more hour to find out more about the Villa. Then it was time to get back on the coach and go back to school. By Amina

On Monday we went on a coach to see Lullingstone Roman Villa. When we got there, we watched a film about the Romans in Britain. I saw some Roman rings, bracelets and cloths and I also saw the remains of the Roman Villa. It was great.  By Ruby W   

On Monday, Year 4 went on a trip outside London in Kent, to see one of Britain’s oldest monuments – Lullingstone Roman Villa.  Lullingstone Villa was built in Roman times. I’d rate the trip 10/10 mostly because of the luxury coach we travelled in!  by Samuel

On Friday 18th November, the School Council spoke to the whole school in an assembly to explain what Children In Need to and why we are raising money.

Children have donated £1 to wear pyjamas to school. They have also donated cakes for a bake sale in the afternoon. We will reveal how much we have raised next week. Thank you to all the children, parents and staff for making the day a success.