For the past year, children have been running everyday for 5 minutes at the beginning of morning play. They have been building up their stamina and resilience – some are even running a mile each morning!!! Last week some of the Year 5 and 6 pupils went to Southwark Park to take part in a […]
Year 6 spent a week working with IntoUniversity, a local learning centre which runs workshops and projects inspiring young people to achieve a higher education. Purple class were lucky enough to visit HMS Belfast and visit Trinity College in Cambridge! Such wonderful opportunities to start their journey in Year 6.
On Monday 18th September, we went to the Churchill War Rooms. Once inside, we were shown a video from World War 2. We were handed out some devices that informed us about the different rooms. Interestingly, the people that worked there left the rooms in the same state as when they first went in. We […]
Lilah Lucy took a photo of us and cut it in half. We put half of the photograph and then we drew the other side of our faces using lots of different […]
This year Adele and Lateefah were nominated for Primary Sports Leader of the year. Sadly they missed out on winning, however we are very proud of all their hard work and the hard work of their fellow sports leaders. Without them the federation would not have won Healthy School of the Year. We are delighted […]
On Tuesday 11th July EYFS had a special ‘Graduation’ with our friends and parents. We were really excited to show our families our good behaviour, fabulous singing and also celebrate our excellent year of learning together. We sang ‘Baby Shark,’ ‘I Can Count to Twenty’ and enjoyed collecting our certificates whilst wearing our special, handmade […]
Last Friday we joined together at Southwark Park to take part in sports activities and Race for Life. Staff, children and parents all joined in—as you can see we had a wonderful time!
Last night, the year 5 from the Bridges Federation entertained audiences at the Royal Festival Hall with an outstanding performance. The children have been rehearsing for the past few weeks with the Splash team […]
Our last reading café events were held today in both schools for Year 5 children and parents. Thanks you to all the parents who were able to come and support your children. We had some great comments from you all. I enjoyed reading with my mum coming in my classroom. I learned that it […]
After weeks of rehearsals year 6 came together to perform an amazing version of The Lion King. The preparation began with lots of line learning and mass singing rehearsals. The Circle of Life felt particularly relevant as Year 6 complete their journey through the ranks of Tower Bridge. We worked a lot on embodying the […]
This week, Year 2 took a trip to the seaside at Southend. I had so much fun! I liked putting my feet in the water. –Tilly The seaside was very fun! I loved the beach playground and I liked finding seashells […]
We are delighted to share with you some exciting news! Last night at the Southwark Excellence Teaching award ceremony, three of our talented staff members were nominated for special awards. Well done to Richard our year 6 teacher at Snowsfields for being nominated for the Teacher of the Year Award. We were really proud of […]
The year two classes across the federation had an amazing time at the seaside this week! Here are some of lovely recounts the children produced in Orange class. ‘We got to school at 8:15 and excitedly walked to the coach to meet the children from Tower Bridge school.Then we drove to the beach. When […]
This week Early Years went on a fantastic adventure by bus to the London Aquarium. We were excited to see the sharks, turtles, penguins, jellyfish, starfish, seahorses as well as a variety of other sea creatures and plant life. We especially loved walking on glass over the shark tank (but some of us were scared!) […]
For the last 2 weeks, Year 4 at both Snowsfields and Tower Bridge have hosted their Reading Cafes: “I learned a lot today by coming to the Reading café with my son. I get to read with him in his class. And I enjoy it.” “I liked reading to my mummy, and going through the […]
We have been working really hard with a company called ‘A Tale Unfolds’ on a film making project about the negative impact plastic has on the environment and especially on sea life. Our main objective was to create a film to encourage people to stop throwing plastic and all sort of non-recyclable rubbish. We want […]
The children in Butterfly and caterpillar classes had a fantastic time at Sea Life Aquarium on the South Bank. It has been a very successful trip and a lot of it was thank you to the people who assisted us with our volunteers and adult ratios so a huge thank you – it made the […]
Both Year 3 classes across the federation recently hosted their reading cafes to parents. Thank you to all the parents who were able to attend. The children have enjoyed sharing stories and their new books with you. “I like that Mum sits quietly for longer to listen to me read without my sister chatting at […]
As part of our learning about life in Great Britain, Tower Bridge held their own mock election on Thursday. The children watched Newsround clips about the main parties and then were taken to the Polling station in the library to cast their vote. Later that day, after the polls had closed, the School Council […]
We have run our own general elections today to decide who the next prime minister will be. We watched the different political party 60 second guides and discussed which party would look after us the best. In class, we talked about democracy and how important it is to cast a vote. When it was time […]
Dear Parents and Carers, As you will all be aware there was a major incident at London Bridge and Borough Market on Saturday night. I would like to start by saying that all our thoughts and prayers are with those who were caught up in these sad and tragic events. I know that many of […]